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what the camel

a saying used when you’re around your strict ass parents and can’t say fuck.

willy: billy, i fucked your girlfriend.
billy: what the camel !?

by daddy dagger dick July 7, 2018

camel smoker

The act of placing ones mouth over her Camel Toe and sucking furiously on the meat curtains until one runs out of breath and then inhaling the stench.

David is a great lover but boy, he sure is quite the camel smoker (laughs)

by Jimmy Dink February 22, 2017

camel stick

Looks like a tube of lip stick that is enlarged. Actually used for applications to a woman's genitals for pleasure.

That rank bitch had to use camel stick to get even the lowest of men..

by Camel Stick October 9, 2014

wet camel

Sweaty camel toe

I was working out so hard that I got a wet camel.

by meatman May 26, 2014

emotional camel

Someone who can be without constant contact, from others, for long periods of time. A person who is very independent. An individual who is emotionally tough.

"My friend is an emotional camel. We dont talk all the time, but She's got my back, when it counts."

by July 19, 2022

aroused camel

a Mexican camel with a large penis.

the aroused camel has walked in the room

by M00SE N00SE April 3, 2017

Canadian Camel

The outline of a camel toe seen through panties due to the overwhelming amount of vaginal secretions when a female is extremely wet and aroused, Stemming from being as wet as the Niagara Falls located in Canada

Yo last night Kat had a Canadian Camel walking around my apartment. She was wet the entire night.

by RaziRaz February 3, 2017