Oh hey I like your rubix cube. Oh thanks
Possibly originating from one Harriet Whiting via her diary circa 1945. The entry containing the term - like most of her writings - is littered with ill-applied mechanics, making it notably difficult to discern at times. Because of this, certain phrasing within the entry gave rise to the mystery of the "gooch cube," where Will Gooch - a man mentioned plenty throughout the diary, his surname but once - is described to have "...cubed the cattle," with the help of another man, Van Epps. Mr. Gooch's enigma of a surname combined with the odd phrasing of "cubing the cattle" (later substituted with "caking") gave rise to the term with "gooch" already being slang for a man's taint as of roughly 2003 ("gooch" as a noun being the gender-swapped counterpart of "cooch," a guy-cooch). To many, this origin is completely unknown and instead exists as a nonsensical term within GIFs subtitled "gooch cube" in generic Sans Serif font - though Whiting's diary is indeed its oldest documentation. To clarify, to "cube" or to "cake" cattle is to feed them densely-packed feed often in the shape of a cube, hence the terms "cattle cube" and "cattle cake" to which the aforementioned are derivative, respectively (which is likely what Whiting meant). As for the term's origin in the realm of GIFs, any known examples of its use are now lost, being dead links. To this end, "gooch cube" may not have a definition outside of this confusion, though it may be because of this reality that it has earned one.
"Van Epps bought 100 bushel corn piled on field west of State Land and he never went to church but hauled some in his trailer to-day and helped Will Gooch cube the cattle in p.m."
"What does that even mean? What is a gooch cube? You can't just put random text above a GIF of a guy falling over."
"Gooch cube is funny. Haha."
Possibly originating from one Harriet Whiting via her diary circa 1945. The entry containing the term - like most of her writings - is littered with ill-applied mechanics, making it notably difficult to discern at times. Because of this, certain phrasing within the entry gave rise to the mystery of the "gooch cube," where Will Gooch - a man mentioned plenty throughout the diary, his surname but once - is described to have "...cubed the cattle," with the help of another man, Van Epps. Mr. Gooch's enigma of a surname combined with the odd phrasing of "cubing the cattle" (later substituted with "caking") gave rise to the term with "gooch" already being slang for a man's taint as of roughly 2003 ("gooch" as a noun being the gender-swapped counterpart of "cooch," a guy-cooch).
To many, this origin is completely unknown and instead exists as a nonsensical term within GIFs subtitled "gooch cube" in generic Sans Serif font - though Whiting's diary is indeed its oldest documentation. To clarify, to "cube" or to "cake" cattle is to feed them densely-packed feed often in the shape of a cube, hence the terms "cattle cube" and "cattle cake" to which the aforementioned are derivative, respectively (which is likely what Whiting meant).
As for the term's origin in the realm of GIFs, any known examples of its use are now lost, being dead links. To this end, "gooch cube" may not have a definition outside of this confusion, though it may be because of this reality that it has earned one.
ORIGINAL CITING "Van Epps bought 100 bushel corn piled on field west of State Land and he never went to church but hauled some in his trailer to-day and helped Will Gooch cube the cattle in p.m."
"What does that even mean? What's a gooch cube?"
"'Gooch cube' is funny. Teehee - haha."
1. The online video "evolution" of the Rubik's Cube, which originally featured six faces that were covered by nine stickers.
2. Online videos that become popular, and receive a lot of views and subscribers, but it is usually the same six faces who are covering the same nine popular subjects.
After viewing countless hours of How - To, Food Review, and Mukbang videos, I was ready to move on from the pointless and unsatisfying allure of the Youbiks Cube.
A piece of faecal matter that either manifests itself - or is moulded by an external force - into a cubic shape
Damn bro, mum found the poo cube
A cube that is formed when a bunch of noodles (usually from a Chinese restaurant) are fused together after being refrigerated and contained in a takeout box.
The Chinese noodles from last week turned into a noodle cube.
Made in april fools 2021 and is still a meme to this day (2022)
J Perm: the 1x1x1 rubik's cube is really hard!