An air-headed left-winger with myopic vision. A Dipper Doodle will insist on pushing their opinion on others but be void of any logic and reason. If you question a Dipper Doodle, they will get angry and start name calling instead of engaging in a debate. They only talk, they have no ears.
Obmacare is a failure that is destroying a good healthcare system to in order to nationalize it, just as what the NAZI's did in Germany.. Dipper Doodle's Reply: It is Bush's fault. There are wars still going on all over the world that involve the US. Dipper Doodle's Reply: Its all Bushes fault.
This word is used to refer to a snack that can be acquired really quickly and not waste any time on preparing it. It is quite flexible at times
*I crave some burritos but I don't have the time to go get one, I prefer a doodle snack
*gummies are my favorite doodle snack
when you draw a swastika and turn it into a window
why is there so many window doodles in your book?
a “bad word” to little kiddies
Kid 1: “donkey doodle you dude stop stealing my play-doh”
Kid 2: “im telling the teacher”
Kid 1: “please don’t”
A term for putting the penis in the vagina
" I'm going to Snicker the Doodle."
Another word for Cocaine
Bro: "Hey man you got that doodle dust?"
Bro 2: "No, I snorted it all..."