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dookie walls

Dookie walls is the best song i’ve ever heard in my entire life. I cant explain how bad i need a full version

hey man have you heard dookie walls? it’s the new hit

by bigbickdaddy19 October 30, 2021

dookie shit

You’re worse than worse you never clutch up for the squad and get called dookie shit after you miss every shot in cod

*teammate misses every shot*
“Bro you’re literally dookie shit”

by White Nike sock February 12, 2021

Dookie diarrhea hand job

When you take a solid turd and give it a handjob with diarrhea as the lube.

I was bored so I did a dookie diarrhea hand job with my homies.

by Dookiediarrheahandjob February 12, 2022

Suki Dookie

Any type of mole near or on a vagina

"Dude she had a suki dookie and it was massive!!!"

by sushiwashere December 30, 2023

1👍 1👎

chungin' it dookie style

being a complete chung. when u are acting like a tool or doing something that is "dookie"

dude i wish i could come but i cant leave my house my parents are chungin' it dookie style

by chang chow July 31, 2009

Zookie Dookie

Name to tease a person/animal with.
Meaning:Funny looking person/animal

Shoalin looks like a Zookie dookie

by ForbiddenRric February 11, 2019

Pookie wookie dookie

A pookie bookie dookie is when a girl finds out you're dating the same person and then invites you to be her girlfriend and you slurp each other's pussy for a hour before breaking up and go back to you're lives

Oh yeah, she was my pookie wookie dookie but we just didn't work out

by Draculaura123 January 21, 2024