Anyone that shares useless knowledge with you. Or, anyone who is pleasantly surprised when you feed them a nugget of knowledge. There is a mutual appreciation for often umprompted, sometimes very advanced intellectual subject matter. Sometimes exchanges are casual where one person may correct another. If the person is genuinely appreciative for the correction and having learned something, they are fact buddy material.
“Hey Bec, i just learned the Tesla induction engine is actually gonna be modified and more all about a permanent magnetic wheel. I know you aren’t into cars, but you’re into facts, and we haven’t fact buddied since college dorm life.”
“Hey Jan I was studying for my nursing exam and i can’t believe I didn’t know that diabetes counts as a disability. Like blindness, paralysis, etc. It’s crazy!”
“Since you work for the state can you tell me about it? What does that mean? Thanks fact buddy!”
“Fyi Starbucks double points this am what do you want. Also, joe is gonna be sick and management is on a roll, so you want me to pick you up a drink?”
“You’re a legit fact buddy.”
A fact buddy is an individual with whom one exchanges factual information on a frequent or infrequent basis.
There are rarely discrete terms of commitment or participation agreed upon verbally or in writing between the concerned parties. The very nature of the bond between fact buddy and fact buddy is a deep understanding and appreciation for facts. Presumably, both individuals are lifelong learners that act as sponsers to each other, offering a safe and encouraging environment where one may share knowledge without being deemed pretentious or condescending.
“Hey Dude, how bout this weather eh? Gorgeous sunrise!! Sweet surfing mate!”
“Yeah brah. It may look nice, but I read that the color is often due to the level of pollution in the air.”
“Seriously? I never knew that. Interesting.”
“True story. Can you hand me my blue sun sunnies dude?”
“They’re actually cyan.”
“Righteous dude. We both learned something today and didn’t take insult. We are the best fact buddies!”
in the office ten years later ..
“Can you hand me that pen dude?This pencil is smudging everywhere.”
“Actually, this pen is a gel pen, which is notably far less superior than a fine print ball point steel barrel .3 mm pen. -If smudging is the variable you are most concerned with. -You could do gel, but you want to make sure you have quality paper that can absorb the ink quickly as it takes longer to dry than a ball point. Otherwise you may find the pencil more tolerable.”
“Thanks fact buddy, do you happen to have one I can borrow? I’ll have to look in to getting better writing utensils!”
“We make the best recommendations for one another.”
“I know. I love your smiles encrusted knowledge bombs.”
Commonly referred to as “fact-checkers,” fact-chokers are hirelings contracted by Ministry of Truth tentacles such as the Trusted News Initiative (TNI) to “debunk” facts that threaten regime narratives.
Coined by Margaret Anna Alice in response to a November 18, 2021, el gato malo Substack post requesting ideas for a new name for “fact check,” the term has since appeared in numerous pieces at the Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass Substack.
Other variations on the term include “fact-choking” and “fact-choke.”
To reveal the Orwellian nature of this totalitarian tool of mind control, “fact-choker,” “fact-choking,” and “fact-choke” should be substituted wherever references to “fact-checker,” “fact-checking,” and “fact-check” appear.
“The fact-chokers smeared the dissidents.” (from Margaret Anna Alice’s poem “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice”)
The truth will have no conceivable defence, where as a fictional narrative can always be confirmed as fallacy.
John: I believe that we can grow our gross revenue 10% over the next six years using this marketing strategy.
Harvey: Well, facts are friendly. until then, fiction is fallacy.
The definition of fact being an absolute truth, where as to define fallacy is to holding a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound arguments.
Facts are friendly, fiction is fallacy - would be defined as until you have evidence you are unable to make a case against the fallacy of your argument.
Hayden Dales, with all seriousness and truth, legally loves his girlfriend - Quinn Horn - more!!
Straight Facts!
Oh yeah.... I love you more!
That reminds me of Hayden Dales because he loves his girlfriend more and it is in the dictionary (filled with only facts)
Total bullshit
A person who talks outta their ass but what they say actually sounds legitimate
X: I ripped it at 210 on my day of delivery on the 407 on my way home
Y: Moose facts 100%
Short for "alternative facts" - a newspeak term for things that are completely wrong, but one decides to give a fuck about truth. Coined by Kellyann Conway, spin doctor of US President Donald J. Trump.
"It's a lie. But we will not say lie, because thats a bad word. We don't use bad words. We never do them. We use right words. Right words, alt-right-words, alt-facts. Who needs facts anyway. I won." Donald J. Trump