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obsolete farm equipment

A black person, or, multiple black people.

- " Is Jimmy in the bar? If he's there, his motorcycle will be parked out front."
- " I know, I can't tell, my view's blocked, all I can see is a bunch of obsolete farm equipment."

by kartie606 March 8, 2008

154๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

modern farm equipment

Harry Mexicans. No need for big green tractors when you've got Mexicans.

Juan is a piece of fine modern farm equipment

by Harrymexican January 16, 2017

Alien Ant Farm

The idea that humans could have been placed on the earth by aliens to be observed, in the same way that humans create ant farms (in other words, humans are the aliens' "ant farm"). This concept was Terry Corso's inspiration to propose the name "Alien Ant Farm" for his band.

Think about it, man - aliens could be constantly observing us, like we're living in some alien ant farm...

by alyoshaaa March 22, 2009

44๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

the farm mums gc

the best gc on twitter. everyone in it is simply the best. they believe in daisy the kitten supremacy

โ€œHey the farm mums gc is the best group chat ever!โ€

by gerito_power November 9, 2020

calliou cocaine farm

the calliou cocaine farm is a place where a little twat named calliou, sells and makes his cocaine. him and his mother are loaded from their cocaine dealing buisness and that is how they pay for calliouโ€™s leukaemia and breast cancer treatments. calliou and his mom are struggling mentally and physically, because they are retarded, gay little shits. calliou is covering and selling his drugs in forms of viva puffs. so beware the next time you eat viva puffs.

welcome to the calliou cocaine farm kids, beware the people working here may give you drugs

by ughfml December 10, 2018

Green Lane Farms

A nice peaceful development in Marlton, NJ consisting of nobodies and old cranky people who should be living in a retirement community. Nothing ever happens here, except for the two fires two years ago that made it into the news. Most of the kids here have known each other all their lives, and always have each others back, so don't mess with them. Located conveniently near ritas waterice, amc 8, fridays and crispin square.

Those Green Lane Farms kids are soo badass.

by yomommaaaaa [; March 2, 2008

State Farm Insurance

State Farm -noun: A band of fascist liars who use guerrilla tactics in order to do absolutely nothing, with the exception of fucking all of their clients, while still making millions of dollars every year.
-Synonym: Aaron Burr, Al-Qaida, asshole, enron, Hitler, liar, nazi, north korea, pedophile, politician, rapist, scientology, terrorist, thief, totalitarian.

"Fuck State Farm Insurance!"


"Because I thought this war was over, but apparently its not because on the contrary to our rental car agreement state farm backed out of paying for 42 days of rental car use. Due to an accounting error by state farm and a billing error by enterprise auto insurance no one noticed until today that I owe over $900 to enterprise car rental. At this point all I can do is laugh. I have never heard of someone getting fucked so badly with auto insurance claim until now. My car was just paid off last week although it has been totaled since October 7, 2006! Tell your friends and tell your family FUCK STATE FARM auto insurance! I hope that fucking company goes bankrupt and all of its employees get laid off. Especially all of the ones who took part in processing my claim, their fates are destine to be filled with nothing but torture and suffering. Karma is a bitch and everyone single one of those mother-fuckers is going down!"

by Frankieverdi February 2, 2007

153๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž