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Beaver fever

Beaver fever is a terrible disease transmitted by beavers. Once a human catches it, the poor victim will slowly transform into a beaver. One knows when he has it when his two front teeth are longer than they should be and when he violently bites wood.

My brother is violently biting our wodden dinner table. HE IS BECOMING A FRIKIN BEAVER, he has beaver fever

by LKJOIJKL September 22, 2008

77๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bieber Fever

an illness affecting little girls, and some guys,to become addicted to the high pictched voice of Justin Bieber.. and an attraction to:

-skater hair
-immaturity/ lack of puberty
-American wannabees
-little boys

may result in lack of anything normal and becoming homosexual or insane.

Person 1: dude, she just b*tch slapped my mom for saying she didn't like Justin Bieber.

Person 2: that's a classic symptom of Bieber Fever.

Girl: Don't f*ck with the Biebs!!!!!!

by vakid February 23, 2011

11๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

hay fever

when a black man prefers white women. similar to jungle fever or yellow fever.

you see all those white blond girls Andre keeps hooking up with? man, he's got a bad case of hay fever.

by drusopher February 26, 2008

31๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

brown fever

An adjective to describe someone who has a particular fascination or attraction to Hispanic or Latin people of the opposite sex. They don't actually have to be from a foreign country, they just have to look like they are. They just have to have brown skin.

My friend: Emily, you really like 'brown' men. You prefer to date Mexicans and Latin guys. You learned Spanish and salsa dance.
Me: So?
My friend: You have 'brown fever'.
Me: I know. Deal with it.

by etuck01 August 14, 2006

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Jungle Fever

A white person lusting for black people. I have it personally!

The reason I can't stop checking Ashley out at work is my jungle fever... :-D

by Downvoting Victim August 30, 2005

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Festival Fever

This is a common condition affecting large numbers of people in schools, colleges and workplaces. This disease is made widespread when a small number of people come back from a large festival and tell their friends how good it was. Their friends will then decide to go the next year and will purchase tickets. Other friends or colleagues will then want to go as they think this is starting to become a new trend and like to keep up with whats fashionable. Conflicts often occur when one group dislikes the thought of the other attending the event and arguments are common.
These people are known as Festival Nazis

Festival goer: "that festival was sick, you gotta go next year"
Friend: "yeah definately, we should get all of our friends to come, it will be great"

Festival fever sufferer: "wow they're going to that festival, we should go to"
Festival fever sufferer 2: "yeah, but aren't we copying them"

Unrelated person: "some people are going to this festival, it looks like good fun, lets just go for the banter"
Unrelated person 2: "yeah, Banter!"

by Its behind you! September 8, 2010

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scarlet fever

When you are obsessed with a redheaded girl.

Doctor: what's wrong Joey?
Joey: I have this huge crush on this girl and I'm just obsessed and I can't stop thinking about her! I'm really worried!
Doctor: is she a blonde brunette or redhead?
Joey: a redhead doc.
Doctor: you have a bad case of scarlet fever.

by OFWGKTADGAF666GOLFWANG October 25, 2013

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