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Sexy Fool

Sexy Fool is the husband of Robin's Left Nut he is his most trusted friend and soulmate, Sexy fool otherwise known as Bakuhoe is someone you can trust, but if you get him mad you can expect Robin his husband to be waiting for you.

Hey look it's Sexy Fool I wish I was in his position.
Hey watch out you don't wanna make Sexy Fool mad he might call his Husband after you

by Robin's Left Nut May 21, 2021

Dully Fool

an idiot a fool, a silly person

"this you?"- Person 1 (dully fool in question)
"that isn't me you dully fool" -Person 2

by fullydully April 15, 2021

goose fooling

An act by which hope is given to the "goose" or "goosey" as is known in most cultures, and subsequently hope is stripped away when it becomes apparent that a lie has been concocted by which to "fool the goose". The bigger and more elaborate the lie, the more the goose has been fooled.

"Mate, got tickets to see the Spice Girls tonight, wanna come?"

"Yeah mate, i'll go get dressed now!"

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I'm the master of goose fooling!"

(sub-par goose fooling)

by Razorfin October 18, 2011

boo boo the fool

Crackhead fandom who look for butterfly murals, count holes in fences , make theories, obsessed with easter eggs, got a problem with 13, love cats and end up victimised by a wax seal

Swifties: OMG it's may 13th. the next single is coming
Swifties *stay up all night for literally nothing*
Swifties : so @taylorswift13 we are boo boo the fool right?

by TaylorPalmTrees June 1, 2019

boo boo the fool

something you are the moment you join the afterfandom

aftermovie account: have a bunch of bts photos of the two main characters.

also aftermovie account: we are not allowed to post anything.

afterfandom: boo boo the fools🤡

by coolbitchdotcom June 12, 2019

Boo boo the fool


Don’t be like boo boo the fool and have a man cheat on you and have a baby on side then tell you they talking about the baby.

by Princessinty June 11, 2019

Boo Boo The Fool

Used when someone has done something, and feels foolish afterwards.

Girl, I bought this bottle because I thought I was gonna drink 2L a day, but the bottle is too dai gao and yoke shuin; I am boo boo the fool.

by babyper January 21, 2022