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A very HOT and SEXY man who is really good at video games and has a Large Penis. Gabe gets all the girls and is very charismatic. Gabe wakes up with a champion's smile, ready to face the world and be victorious!
Gabe is the coolest video game collector you can find. He has every single mainstream videogame AND more!

Bro, i saw Gabe the other day at gamestop. he is SOOO hot..

by Chensokyo June 21, 2021


a catboy

Man, Gabe is such a catboy.

by somone? July 19, 2021


Practically perfect person very athletic fearless and makes friends easily. No flaws at all and a trustworthy and selfless person.

Gabe is drinking juice.

by BoiB0uss November 11, 2018


Noun - A person who is so annoying but you can help but love them.

You’re such a gabe, I can never hate you.”

by Lovergirl0712 March 30, 2024


If you ever meet a Gabe you need to hold onto him because he is loyal and sweet and kind and funny and he is a bif teddy bear. Also don't ever call him a liar because he will never lie to you and also it will piss him off and thats how you lose him. And another way to keep him is don't listen to his friends cuz they tend to tell you things that aren't true. A Gabe is a trustworthy amazing guy and he would do anything for you and if he is going through something make sure you are there for him because he will and always will be there for you. It would absolutely suck to lose a Gabe and you will realize it and keep realizing it even if it is has been months since you lost him. Don't lose him, he is funny, sweet, caring, loyal as hell, and he is the greatest companion to have....if you can keep him for LIFE.

I love you Gabe, sorry for calling you a liar... :(

by Me=bae December 16, 2018


Gabe is a terrific guy. He's got brown hair, is super cute, and loves to do sports. He's super funny and is always open to trying new things. He loves to read books-especially fantasy. He texts you all the time and he becomes one of your best friends. If you get in a relationship with a Gabe, don't loose him-He's the best thing that's ever happened to you.

Person 1: I have a total crush on Gabe
Person 2: I know, we have so much in common

by Luv2Ski30 November 23, 2022


A unsocial male in particular doesn't talk to many girls and people in general. Does nothing all day and claims to go places when all he does is stay in his home.

Gabe stop sitting away from the girls in the corner.

by Nicole Rose Williams October 2, 2018