Helping buffer or sb one can pour his or her shit or problems and then just go away as if that person is unimportant and insignificant. And then come back and do the same.
I am not your help blob.. ( Trying " series, UK)
A phrase used whenever that weird lesbian starts speaking and is making literally no since.
"Okay, makes sense"
"I'll do it right now!"
"Oh, Kaz Needs Help"
One of the most horrible things that can happen to any man is the problem of erectile dysfunction. If a person has a problem of erectile dysfunction, then he is not able to develop and maintain a hard erection of the penis throughout the sexual activity.
If you are one of them, then there is no more need to take any tension. There is a great medicine available for this problem and the name of this medicine is Cenforce 100 mg. In the health sector, it is commonly known as Sildenafil Citrate.
5-star rated drug to treat impotency
Cenforce 150 is a 5-star rated drug to treat the problem of impotency. This medicine works by relaxing the muscles and increasing the flow of blood towards the genitals parts of males. This medication relieves men who suffer from ED in the most efficient manner. You can order this medicine online by ordering it through any reputed online pharmacies. This medication not only cures Ed but also functions to enhance a long-lasting erection.
A man named Sajal started facing ED problem at the age of 42. He never told about this problem to his wife as he was afraid that his wife would leave him after hearing this. His friend suggested him to consult a doctor and start taking Cenforce 200 mg. Now Sajal no long has an ED problem and he also keeps his wife highly satisfied on bed. So, you can see that this a wonderful drug to treat your problems related to sex.
Solve all the passionate issues with the help of Cenforce
Oh I know your not! Or, wait, who? I'm I supposed to be helping you? What exactly am I supposed to be helping you with, vermin? Is the 2 hour work day too much for you? Does being a piece of shit make it hard for you to scoop yourself into a garbage bag where you belong? Or out of a litter box because you're dogshit?
Hym "I'm not helping? I didn't know I was supposed to help. I thought I just did this thing... And then either die from brainz infection or murder a kids and kill myself. I didn't know I had to help you fucks as I hang half-consumed by the meat grinder that feeds the kids I didn't sire. Did you need my organs too? Because I'm not changing my donor status but I suspect your just going to take the organs anyway. I mean, current trends suggest that you're just going to take the organs anyway. What could you possibly need my help with? A.I.? Already did it. Ridding yourself of delusion? Already did that. Oh! Your kids! You need help ejecting the consciousness from their body! Of course... I was getting around to it but I feel like I would be doing all the work."
you say this when you owwwwwwwie
The ultimate excuse used to bail on social commitments, especially when the truth is as plain as the night sky. It's the go-to cover story for ditching your friends, particularly for occasions that require your presence, like a best friend's birthday bash.
A modern-day Cinderella story with a twist: instead of turning into a pumpkin, one mysteriously vanishes to "assist the brother-in-law" and magically ends up in the Land of Nod. Known for its effectiveness in evoking both disbelief and laughter among friends, who are well aware of the impending slumber party for one.
"Dude, did you hear? Gialo pulled a 'Helping the Brother-in-Law at Midnight' on us last night and missed the entire party. We found him snoring on Discord, playing APEX Legends."