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In college, a difficult professor might shaft the class. By extension, 'self-shaft' means taking the same class independent study.

Calc 3? I'm taking that self-shaft next semester.

by Secret Agent Man September 17, 2003

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Something you don't have

Your mom has no self-respect

by Bluebrainblackblood December 19, 2021

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Self deportation

The act of expelling yourself from the land you reside.

Mitty Romney supports Self deportation.

by Suxbawlz January 24, 2012

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self rationalization

1. When actual reality conflicts with ones view of reality, the afflicted person rationalizes a permutation of reality that 'feels' better.

2. Typically expresses an inability to distinguish between fact and opinion.

3. Lying to oneself.

Claiming there were dinosaurs on Noah's ark is an exercise in self rationalization.

by D0gvomit December 19, 2016

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Self conscious

Caring what other people think of you is not the same thing as allowing other people to influence your decisions or what you like and dislike (or who you are). It is possible to be who you are and still care what people think of you.

Everybody is at least somewhat self conscious, no matter the image they portray themselves as. Usually the ones most desperate to convince others they don't care what anybody thinks of them are the most self conscious people in the world.

by Solid Mantis February 25, 2021

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Self patter

Used to describe a person who self congratulates infront of a group of others in the hopes he will raise his social ranking. In most cases, the self pat is detected and the social ranking of the individual may decrease due to their arogant behaviour.

A self patter is described as someone sends an email to a group of coworkers saying, "Hi guys, I just spent the past two hours working out the bugs in our SQL database; it was really really difficult. Rest assured, i've fixed the issue."

Someone in the chain of emails may detect the self patting and send a snarky response email saying, "way to go man!". In this case, the social value of the individual may be descreased and a "bwah" will follow, (see "bwah"). Someone may also mock them with the presentation of a "way to go man" aka "wayty" award.

If the self patting is cleverly disguised, the social value of the individual may be increased.

by BMWM3 August 6, 2010

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self glorification

Self glorification is a term referring to the telling of a Harsh But True that glorifies the storyteller. It is the origin of the concept of the self call. The term is specific to the Tabard, a social organization at Dartmouth College.

Towelie: "So there I was, in my mom's house, in my old room with all my old Milli Vanilli posters, getting a blowjob from this fiiiiine honey, and smoking a blunt, when..."

The Tabard: "Self glorification!!"

by Towelie of the Tabard September 6, 2007

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