Croire sur parole ce que l'on raconte, ne pas comprendre le troll, être naïf et légèrement con.
AH ! Tu pensais vraiment qu'il était sérieux ? Tu as fait une Auzon.
faire une Auzon
To engage in practices that result in fair and balanced news reporting.
After news reported that 1.5 million liberals marched on DC, Fox News to fair-and-balance 'd it by polling 100 CEOs.
What pussy is after walking around a fair in the summertime.
I took my girl to the fair and now I am going to get some "fair pussy".
1👍 4👎
A well-known saying that has been used to describe instances of tennis/beer-related activities since the early 1700’s.
Person 1: I can’t remember how much more beer I owe you for our tennis games.
Person 2: somewhere between $9 and $5 million dollars.
Person 1: that doesn’t seem fair
Person 2: All is fair in tennis and beer purchasing. That’s the saying.
Placing one's hands behind one's back - wrists crossed - and consuming what is in front of you (food, alcohol)in the tradition of an old county fair eating contest.
"Looks like you're having a little trouble getting that cake into your mouth Susie; why don't you just put down the fork and county-fair-it?
American slang referencing anything...
Originates from Connecticut
Jason Fitzpatrick is founder
Byron Donovan-Ly made it fammous
1. a skydiver who hasn't cut away and only comes out to the drop zone when the weather is nice enough to jump
2. a weekend warrior who skydives when the weather permits
1. my friends have 9 to 5 jobs and kids so they are fair weather flyers
2. my dad works during the week and jumps on the weekend if its nice out. he's such a fair weather flyer