Source Code

Don't look that up

If someone tells you to not look that up, it is called a don't look that up. You will end up looking it up anyway.

' dude I should get a circumcision' 'what is that?' 'don't look that up'

by Anon_Anonamous24 April 24, 2019

47πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

It's not what it looks like!

When you are fuckin a chick or jacking off your shit and your mom knocks on your door. Then she walks in without waiting for you to answer.

John screamed, "I'ts not what it looks like!" , but alas it was too late.

by D sanchez May 18, 2004

112πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

that's the look I'm going for

The generic comeback to any criticism of your appearance. Works for anything.

Person #1: Your shirt is tucked into your underwear. You look like a douche who can't dress himself.

Person #2: That's the look I'm going for!

by Feelgoodinc November 2, 2009

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

...look at me now!

at the end of a statement you say this to make the person you're talking to feel like a loser. orrrrr, (if you don't like hurting people's feelings) you say this at the end of a statement when something really good happens to you.

cory: yo check out my nike dunks i just bought last week.
derrick: yea man, those are cool... but check out my cool grey jordans11 that i got yesterday ...look at me now!

student: mrs. kindergarten teacher, remember when you told me that i'd be cleaning floors at mcdonalds when i grow up? pwaaahaaa, i'm the ceo of my OWN mcdonalds now shawty ...look at me now!

by takemeaway_09 May 23, 2011

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

look like a toe

a person ( usually female) that is ugly and is different from the rest of her/his friends

person 1: she look like a toe

person 2: ya she is so ugly

by jjrules14 July 24, 2017

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Don't Look Reflex

The compulsory reaction of looking in a direction when admonished against it.

Instances of Don't Look Reflex:

e.g. #1
Jimmy: Ok, I'm taking off my towel now... nobody look!

(Billy instantly swivels his head around)

Jimmy: What the hell, Billy, You are such a fag! Why would you do that?

Billy (in horror): I.... don't know..... Am I gay?

e.g. #2
Tour guide: And now we are approaching the lion's den, where my partner Tom is attempting to feed the... oh my gosh, people, DON'T LOOK!!!!

(everyone in the tour immediately looks)

Little Girl: Daddy, why are the man's arms and legs playing hide and go seek? And why is he feeding the lion pasta off his belly?

by achilles27 May 12, 2009

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Guys Look, A Birdie

It looks beautiful, let’s go capture it.

Cyborg: β€œGuys look, a birdie!”

Robin: *Gasps* β€œIt’s pretty! Let’s go catch it!”

by NepgearAfficionado May 14, 2022