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Google Magic

The act of using Google to find answers to everyday problems or intricate problems such as homework.

Student A: "Did you find out the answer to question 6 on the homework"?
Student B: " Give me a minute"
Student A: "Ok"
Student B: "The answer is 117, thanks to my Google magic"
Student A: "I could have done that..."

by Sevrynheads October 22, 2011

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Magic Miked

When someone presses their bare ass against the first person who passes out at a party. Similar to "tea bagging" but with an ass.

"Dude, Anthony passed out early last night so Carlos dropped trow and Magic Miked him."

by Scootious December 6, 2015

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magical midgets

the midgets that comprise the Joint Task Force. Their homeland is magical, their technique is unsurpassed. Where they roam, nobody knows. One can only assume they are not visible to the naked eye (unless they are rolling a joint, of course). They don't speak to humans and if they did, our hearts and brains would explode in utter happiness and excitement (it would be like taking all the weed and acid in the universe and takin it all in at once). Their only known purpose is to roll joints and occassionally a blunt. They are the ying to our yang, the good to our evil, the happiness to our sadness, and so on.

God I love those magical midgets. I wonder how I would feel if they said something to me.

Do not question the magical midgets existence!!! They don't roll to the unenlightened.

by Mr. Po'd Up May 1, 2009

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Magic Legs

When a person does something Extraordinary or Amazing with their life such as getting married, beating an illness, thwarting an enemy or being successful when challenged by life in general.

Taken from the movie "Forest Gump". When Forest sees Lt. Dan walking with artificial legs, it reminds Forest of when his mother mother called his corrective leg braces his "Magic Shoes".

In the scene, Forest is about to marry Jenny. Lt. Dan arrives walking up to forest. Forest is amazed and comments, "you got new legs". When Lt. Dan explains the legs to Forest and shows him the metal tubes that now serve as his replacement legs Forest pauses and warmly replies: "Magic Legs".

April and Justin Just got married,.... "Magic Legs".

by Mr. SnowmanPants August 11, 2013

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Magic Hollow

Hood in Virgina Beach known for the crime,Weed smokers,and drug dealers

Its located on Lynnhaven nxt to the mall

Theres 5 sec. Lamplight,Black Stone,Newland,5 points,Entrance of mh

VirginiaBeach BoysMagic Hollow

by MrSpaceMan February 20, 2011

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magical flowers

whole herb, weed, mary j, ganja-basically still attached to the stem and full of life. its so fresh that you need to smoke that shit on the double!

**not a flower that you look at or showplace on your dinner table, its not magical 'FLOUR' becuse it is not in powder form yet...or ever will be

Aly and Cat enjoy picking magical flowers for their picnics.

by Little One November 16, 2005

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magical fruit

beans, for the make you toot.

Beans, beans, the magical fruit, the more you eat the more you toot, the more you toot, the better you feel, so eat beans for every meal.

by Nugget April 27, 2003

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