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To make small, like a midget. A close synonym of the word mitigate, which it is frequently confused with.

A: "We need to midgetate this problem!"
B: "Don't you mean mitigate?"
A: "No, the problem needs to be ensmalled, like a midget."

by Willybobjonas123 August 1, 2022

Midget Magnet

A person that attracts only people of short stature often referred to as midgets or a hobbits.

Meg was at the club last nite when approached by a group of midgets, following copius amounts of shots proceeded home to engage in midget gangbanging. Some might say she is a midget magnet or maybe a hobbit hunter

by CHUCKNORRIS6149 September 11, 2010

curb midget

Midget prostitute

When I pick up hookers, I prefer curb midgets.

by Tickle me blue balls June 5, 2022

midget picket

When a long hardy rod is inserted into the anus of a little person. The little person has something written on their body resembling a picket sign.

Last night Joey and I made a midget picket.

by Midget Long Dong Mc shlong March 19, 2017

midget erection

When a normal sized man is having intercourse with a little woman doggy style, stands up and puts on a large pair of sweatpants while still inside her. He then leaves his house and goes for a walk with what appears to be a massive erection in his pants but is really just his fun sized partner going for a ride.

Did you see that guy on the street today? He either had a disease or a midget erection

by Kwaller11 October 25, 2017

Mental Midget

Looney Left Wingers that only listen to and believe the talking points from their fellow colleagues. They don't look up the information and check much for themselves. They believe that Progressivism a.k.a. Socialism (then comes Fascism - Communism - Marxism) is better than Capitalism. That people can be put in a box not through hell. They have no common sense and are entitled to license whatever over complicated DSM pigeonhole box they are legally allowed for code billing. They'll throw you under the bus in negative context to protect themselves from liability and double under codes for more money.

Pretty much a Mental Midget is

a person who believes that one plus one equal three
1 + 2 = 3 because that is what he was indoctrinated by the Far Left to believe.

That's what government insurance employs

The mental midget is philophizing again.

by Egosdeathdoor March 19, 2023

Hd big black gay furry throbbing sloppy slipery vainy lubed up cock spurting cum deep into my throght ut oh I just got aids and now I am dying of this fat throbbing veany hd gay furry midget cock spurting cum down my throuht

it is when Hd big black gay furry throbbing sloppy slipery vainy lubed up cock spurting cum deep into my throght ut oh I just got aids and now I am dying of this fat throbbing veany hd gay furry midget cock spurting cum down my throuh

Oh my god jesica this Hd big black gay furry throbbing sloppy slipery vainy lubed up cock spurting cum deep into my throght ut oh I just got aids and now I am dying of this fat throbbing veany hd gay furry midget cock spurting cum down my throuht

by HD BIG BLACK COCK April 10, 2024

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