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a chemical created by a mans juicy sticky pickle.

the boy drank his salty semen out of his pickle

by timmy the fat nigger February 9, 2022


The thing made in glue

Person a: oh my stars is that glue semen flavor
Person b: why yes it is
Person a: did you know I donateded my cock hole juice to be used in the glue?
Person b: what?

by Boe jidens mom March 25, 2022


The fancy word for cum. In French it's "semene."

"What's wrong with my cum, doctor?"
"Your semen mass is quite low, m'boy"

by TheSusWordNerd March 15, 2022


So thing that fills a certain bank that I want to rob

Want to go rob the semen bank!

by Penis pumper124 April 23, 2022


semen is the good stuff that cums haha get it out of your genitalia
Yes I do have a PhD in semen don't ask again.

Person: That movie was so nice! What was your favorite part?
Another Person: Semen
Person: W-what?
Another Person: Semen
Person: Fuck, I knew it

by Average Discord Moderator April 20, 2024


An amazing thing that Jack Harlow mentioned once in “First Class”. It comes out of a penis and the girls like it

Damn bro Melissa loves Chad’s semen

by I’m going to hell June 3, 2022


Cum with a different name

Middle of sex I made semen

by Smurfcat October 30, 2023