When you say oof you're so loud that you get sent to another universe
oh no jay did a quadringenarious oof
Generally speaking when someone says mans not oofed they are implying that they are not oofed like roblox
they all sang "oofidy oofidy oof dun dun"
mate1- how you feeling guys
mate2- I wanna die bro
me- OOF
I no longer have a will to live, I want to die but I can't do it myself because mom will be sad, I can't communicate with people without wanting to cry, and everyday I result to more painful and brutal forms of physical punishment just to drown the pain inside (it doesn't work). Now I 've just resorted to nothing but simple echomimetics to express my feelings.
When you try to be trendy and cool, but you end up looking like a guy wearing sunglasses inside.
A word used when a fellow Robloxian is about to bust a load everywhere in the game
* 12-year-old boy and girl join Work At a Pizza Place *
Girl Robloxian: "OH OH OH"
Boy Robloxian: "Im gonna... OOF"