Source Code

Rainbow Party

A Rainbow Party is, in all actuality, so that guys can brag to each other how popular they are. The girls wear a different colored lipstick each, suck off the guys they think are hot, until all of the do-able guys have been revealed. Then the guys count how many colors they have, and compare.

Ladies and gentleman of Urban Dictionary, it IS real! I had a good amount of girls in my class, year 2000, come up to ask if I wanted to join. There were pictures all over the school, not in the eyes of teachers, that I got to view and I was quite ashamed! Never even heard of Oprah talking about it, and neither had any of these girls. I assure you, Oprah did not make it up!

John could not believe how many colors he had on his penis! He thought surely he'd only get three at the very least. The sudden boost of confidence he felt was well worth the unease he had had before he joined in on the rainbow party.

by Miss Spider August 8, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rainbow Room

A party where a bunch of girls wearing different colored lipsticks get drunk and kiss a guy's penis until it is a rainbow of colors.

Mike: Man, there were so many girls at the rainbow room last night, it'll take me forever to clean my penis.
Bob: I know, right?

by Mareeah March 19, 2010

15๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Code Rainbow

Goes hand in hand with the homometer. When the homometer reaches epic proportions, a Code Rainbow is announced.

Upon announcing a Code Rainbow, all straight males must cover their asses and run.

"Homometer rising, sir! CODE RAINBOW!! CODE RAINBOW!!!"

by Brian Blake December 9, 2003

16๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

rainbow drink

a drink where u mix spunk, discharge and all tha shit in a cup and drink it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gorg ;)

"aw we ad a propa rainbow drink last nite"

by J_a_D_e June 16, 2005

44๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rainbow Party

A party at which all of the girls wear different colored lip stick/ gloss and have oral sex with guys!!

My penis looked like a rainbow after the Rainbow Party at Taylor's house

by George M. February 25, 2005

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Chilean Rainbow

A combination of the Cleaveland Steamer and the Portuguese Breakfast.

When a Couple decides to whip up some eggs and pour them into their partners ass. Any eggs will do, add a little parsley and some onions perhaps.

The chilean version calls for Chorizo and the rainbow comes after you shit into their asswhole you make larger with tongs and they blow it all out onto your chest while you lie down, follwed by some heated sex.

Last night James and I decided to have a little excitement and he gave me a nice Chilean Rainbow and added a little brown Sugar this time to make it a little sweeter.

by Robert Wade May 23, 2007

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Rainbows and unicorns

A way to demean what some one said by calling it complete bullshit.

Guy 1 *Says the same stupid shit for the hundreth time.*

Guy 2 "I can't take this shit any more!"

Guy 3 "Seriously, we our up to our ears in your rainbows and unicorns."

by pseudonymis magorium August 2, 2011

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