Anything can happen good, will get better!
I always love to use “Richards Law” to counteract that horrible no good Murphy’s law!
We were on a job site on Rooftop and out of nowhere “Murphy’s law” jumped at us, then to counteract it, we enabled “Richards Law” to kick Murphy’s laws ass right off the job site immediately !!
When a Male rubs his dick in icyhot then fornicate with a woman.
Dude, my girls pussy was on fire when I gave her that angry richard
An Angry Richard is where one male/female rubs icyhot on a phallic object, then proceeds to fornicate with a a partner.
Damn, my girl cried after I gave her a mean Angry Richard
richard meyer- otherwise known as the only composer your shitty middle/highschool music teacher knows:) and everyone is sick and tired of playing his stupid songs
minotaur “smells like richard meyer”
“this song sucks”
“oh must be richard meyer”
a random pig with square glasses thinking he's big whilst flinging out punishments left right and centre to gain respect.if you know someone called Richard Wilson then u might as well commit suicide coz this man a nonce!
Richard Wilson is a nonce
him:"I'm not like not a bad lad!"
other people:"yeah yeah your right...……. but your a nonce!"
The best coach anybody could ever ask for. He's never leaving his parents couch. He never knows when not to close out even in funerals. He's forever a virgin .