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O.G Salt Bae

Gandhi is the O.G (original) Salt Bae

"Long live the O.G salt Bae. Every time you use salt, praise the O.G Salt Bae"
"Who is the O.G salt bae?"

by Biscuitbabies January 8, 2019

salt rimmed dick

i’m not sure myself but where can i find a tippity dick pic rn i’ve been searching and can’t find, need it rnnnn

i want tippitys salt rimmed dick

by horny4tippity December 30, 2021

throwin' salt on haterz

1 (v): The action of throwing the chemical compound NaCl (sodium chloride, or table salt) on someone who dislikes you.

2 (v) More commonly, a metaphor meaning to dimiss the actions and words of one's detractors; a way to combat those who cannot be happy for you simply because of your success (see: hater).

Jay Z is throwin' salt on haterz when he says "If ya'll can't already see, I ain't worried about ya'll cause I'm already me."

by kniceguy May 14, 2010

58πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

salt lake city

the capital city of the awkwardly cool state of utah mromons abound here the city has a great university with a rocking party/local music scene. Also as the third highest gays per capita of any capital

dude i totally saw a show in salt lake city last night

by thatfuckinggaykid October 19, 2009

479πŸ‘ 229πŸ‘Ž

Salt Spring Syndrome

The syndrome that eventually permeates nearly all residents of Salt Spring Island, the largest of the Southern Gulf Islands. Characterized by symptoms of supressed or underlying but often unacknowledged despisation, hatred and flaunted superiority towards "New Islanders" or any party new to or unexperienced in the ways of Gulf Island culture.

Aunt Old Timer: "You go to Ganges central town in the summertime and ther'll be the rednecks wearing the shirts that say "If it's called tourist season why can't we shoot at em" and those are the ones who've only been here 2 or 3 years!"
Billy Bob: "Yea being here even 2 or 3 years gives you a pretty bad case of Salt Spring Syndrome"

by OldtimeIslanderasasas July 20, 2009

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

salt your thumbs

1) to pray or implore; 2) to safeguard against failure; 3) to think of something; 4) to try to express an idea; 5) to look exasperated; 6) to appear hungry; 7) to eat a meal; 8) to satisfy a requirement; 9) to have the right stuff; 10) to check oneself

James: i'm never gonna finish this paper on time
Gabe: dude, you better salt your thumbs

by Gabe "Admiral Awexome" S. May 4, 2008

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Salt your dog

Being in such a depressed state that you lube your own hand with the saltiness of your tears for masturbation

Man that torta dumped me so i was saltin my dog all night.

Salt your dog bro

by saltydog69 October 11, 2011

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž