Source Code

sweet bastard

A complimentary phrase proclaiming the indivdiual in question as an upstanding, magnificent member of the human race with a strong inclination to being a cutthroat Master of Insensitivity!

{Names have been changed to protect the innocent}

"What? Advice on hiking? Sure. If you encounter a hostile animal, cast a lulling spell and quickly leave the area. If you have no mana, pretend to be dead. Even as the animal tears into your flesh with its menacing teeth and claws, pretend to be dead. Keep pretending to be dead until you are dead. You had your chance and you blew it. Oh! And watch out for scorpions! They can teleport, spear you, and spit fire. Remember, hiking in public parks at night can be dangerous, partly because of the lack of light, and also partly because of the rapists. Don't go hiking at night without a drunken member of the opposite sex and certainly not in Central Park during Chanukah, because that’s when the freaks come out."

<throws head back; pulls imaginary chin hair while exclaiming> "OOOHHHHH ... goddammit! You Sweet Fvcking Bastard!!"

by Balac the Kraut March 4, 2005

32πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

sweet sauce

something that you are agreeing with or that you like

Do you want to go to the movies?
answer: sweet sauce
That store was so sweet sauce

by Evyn March 7, 2006

18πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Sweet Deal

a rather opportune situation. a deal that has been sweetened. a surgary delight

Bobby: I just got a new car!
Tommy: Sweet Deal!

by Timothy March 11, 2004

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sweet mouth

when a dude always knows the right thing to tell or say to the girl even when hes lying. his game and words are just on point and you end up believing

the bullshit guys tell girls when there trynna resolve the situation

i always believe dwayne even wheni know hes lying but his sweet mouth is so good

by black poca October 20, 2009

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Sweet November

1) A movie starring Keanu Reeves.
2) An exclamatory used to describe something that was the epitome of shit.

Sweet November that movie was crap!

by addlewaddle January 7, 2005

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Sweet Bro

A Sweet Bro is a guy who wears Polo shirts or other preppy clothing, who is generally a jock who is obsessed with how he looks but acts like a tough guy. A Sweet Bro will constantly say "Sweet Bro" to pretty much any thing. Normally Sweet Bro's walk slower than normal and walk flexed trying to appear bigger than they are. The car of choice for the Sweet Bro is the Civic or Cavalier. A Sweet Bro is a guy who is a combination of Jock, Prep, and Partier.

Bro 1 - "Yo man, did you go to that party last weekend?"

Bro 2 - "Yeah man I got damn drunk and went around playing grabass with the rest of the football team."

Bro 1 - "Sweet Bro."

by Joe Gray June 2, 2005

53πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

sweet things

A term used when a moment of happiness or glee occurs.

Is usually uttered from the tongue of the non-black North American's who want to sound black.

Doc. Z: "I'm handing your math exams back"

Jassey: "Oh poom, i know i failed!"

Doc. Z: "No Jassey, You pass with a 51%"

Jassey: "Sweet things! Now i don't have to go to high school anymore!"

by so-ill January 29, 2008

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