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Crackberry Syndrome

When its feels as if your blackberry is vibrating somewhere on your person even if the phone is turned off or not even on you.

Frank: Why you checking you phone, did you get a text?

Harry:No, I guess not, I could have swore I felt it vibrating though. Must have just been my crackberry syndrome acting up again.

by Forget this naming crap May 25, 2010

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Ronnie Syndrome

When your lips are so dried and chapped the skin above your upper lip and below your lower lip becomes red and inflamed. Your lips look like Ronald McDonald's.

"Holy cow! Look at her lips; she has Ronnie Syndrome."

Julie: "Hey Ronnie, how's it going?"
Michelle: "Stop calling me Ronnie. It will be gone by spring."

by char1213 January 16, 2012

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Stephen's Syndrome

An inexplicable attraction to girls under the legal age of consent.

Bro, all of the girls that I thought were fucking hot are all 16 years old.

Looks like you're suffering from Stephen's Syndrome

by anemiate July 30, 2010

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Zimmerman Syndrome

The pattern of behavior which erupts after a person has shot another to death in cold blood, marked by anger, denial, specious justifications, depression, copious hand-washing, paranoia, avoiding public exposure, etc... and perhaps even several attempts at an apology. Often resulting in the abuse of highly addictive pain-killing drugs and ending in attempts at suicide.

These soldiers returning home from an unpopular foreign campaign are likely to suffer severe Zimmerman Syndrome when the adrenaline wears off and they realize they killed a lot of innocent people along the way to their goal.

by paulpaxman March 27, 2012

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SLLUT Syndrome

SLLUT (Short Leg Long Upper-Torso) Syndrome, is the phenomena when a woman has a what appears to be a disproportionately long upper torso compared to her lower body. This is not a common occurance, but when it happens it can detract from the hotness and fuck-ability of the female or add to the ugliness of the woman.

Not to be confused with a woman who is just a plain slut or has loose morals.

Dude, that chic suffers from the SLLUT Syndrome. She'd be hot if her upper body didn't look like stretch armstrong compared to her short legs. You know what I'm talking about.

by Birch Crushington February 12, 2008

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Stockholm syndrome

the condition where kidnapping victims sympathize with, grow attached to, identify with, or otherwise feel affection toward their abductor(s).

She didn't want to testify against the man that kidnapped her because she suffered from Stockholm syndrome.

by Jake December 31, 2004

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Hummer Syndrome

the inverse relationship between the size of a man's vehicle and the size of his penis.

Another dude in an H2, definitely Hummer Syndrome. Man why doesn't he just get a bumper sticker that says "I'm compensating for my small dick".

by Scoats May 12, 2003

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