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Gay Asian Porn

Johnny is tired because he was up all night watching GAP

by Con the mega shlong November 23, 2020


the idea of simply being better, often used synonymously with skill issue

"I'm having trouble with my squat form bro. How do I keep my back straight?"

by Evil Bad Devious Fiend January 27, 2024


A large area between a person's two front teeth

Avery's gap is so huge

by Ducci514 November 28, 2018


Abbreviation for "Good Ass Pussy".

Also a term used to describe the space between a woman's legs and crotch area.

She kno she got that GAP!

by lil' momma June 6, 2016


Great American pussy

Gotta love the gap

by Rice244 May 19, 2022


1. A brand
2. A space between an object and a object

1. Joshy Washy: I like to buy shirts, pants and undies from Gap.
2. Recruit: Holy shit, Our trench Have a Gap, Retreat!

by Gopnikslavia December 17, 2018


To beat someone in a drag race (usually referencing a street race) by a large margin

Guy1: look at that civic
Guy2: hold on im going to gap this ricer

by Mr meeeeseeeeks April 17, 2017