Thid is the word that represents the holiday that on December, 5 they must do the dishes at work.
Gary Smith, the man, the myth, the legend. He often appears in food tech classes in schools all across the world.
Yo it's the man, the myth, the legend Gary Smith!!!
1) A 70s rock star formerly known as Paul Gadd and Paul Raven, probably the best live artist ever, who had a proclivity for under age girls, the Leader no more
2) Cockney Rhyming slang for Bitter
3) Cockney Rhyming slang for Shitter
1) I always do my high intensity spin class to Rock and Roll part One written by Mike Leander & Gary Glitter.
2) Landlord I'll have two pints of cooking lager & a pint of Gary Glitter please.
3) She was aching for it last night me I gave her the Essex Handshake and the waiter took her up the Gary Glitter while she was astride me.
A stand up guy. Like someone on the pupil leadership team in a Scottish high school.
Wow, that's a right good Gary Winthorpe (actual)
Exactly what you think of when you think of a dystopian wasteland Southbend is better
Almost as much as saying St. Louis doesn't exist (which it doesn't it's a conspiracy theory)
Gary Indiana is a poverty town and shit hole that's been said too many times. Oh yeah they're building a casino which is so on par with them
When a man visit a KTV in Taiwan and the girl gives him a Hand Job in front of the audience, where the backlight from the TV lighted up his gentlemen sausage.
It was a fun party tonight, it ended with a Gary's Shiny Dick move.