Satiate your guilty temptations with cakes and desserts made from pure love.
The Mad Bakers offers a range of Cupcakes🧁| Cakes🎂 | Donuts🍩 | Pies 🥧 and many more.
A Bakers Cock Ring is when one (usually elderly men) raps a twist tie around their cock to pervert it from leaking.
I used to leak everywhere before I started using a Bakers cock ring
A beautiful person inside & out
Dimetria Baker is a very upholding person
A very responsible caring person
Dimetria Baker is a beautiful person to meet
Sutton prick, shouldn’t be here.
Friend #1: who was it who broke the sign?
Friend #2: probably Taylor Baker
Freind #1: oh of course
A bumblebee that flies through the air with her antennas gliding in the trees while carrying her brief case with children inside and doesn’t know how to sing A-O-K properly
The man of the hour is Abby the Baker.
A snitch, an a-hole, no respect for himself or those around him, pedophile, porn addict, alcoholic, and all around wierdo.
Me: See that guy over there?
Dude: Yeah, he's hanging out with my younger sister!
Me: Yeah, he's a total Luke baker.