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dancing turtle

a turtle that boogies all day, cause it's brother in law got stung by 2 bees in a row.

I have an awesome dancing turtle <3

by reeeeeee.exe.exe October 9, 2019

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Dirty Turtle

An uncircumcised penis after anal sex.

I need a showerβ€” I just ass-fucked this bitch and gotta wash my dirty turtle.

by HW2019 May 25, 2019

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turtle fart

A dry, muffled fart that is so slow to offend the senses that the culprit of said turtle fart can maintain innocence under the most scrutinizing victims.

Had a company climate meeting today and I slipped such a gnarly turtle fart that the only person to smell it was the secretary cleaning up the room an hour after the meeting adjourned.

by Murf Turds January 2, 2018

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turtle head

when you hold in your poop but it comes out a tiny bit. your butt is like the shell of a turtle and the poop is the head

man, i have a turtle head but there aren't any bathrooms here

by turtledude September 21, 2013

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turtle hug

Laying on your back while hugging the person next to you who is also on their back.

"They gave us funny looks when we spontaneously turtle hugged at the zoo."

by DDeathlonger January 2, 2016

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turtle dovin'

1)Rubbing upagainst a member of the opposite sex and cooing.

2) A term hillbillys use for making love.

3) Growing a pair of wings and flying out from a bush

I turtle dove last night right in boyfriend's bed.

Let's go turtle dovin' in the woods and eat some beef jerky.

A turtle dove yesterday from my home and ended up ontop of a roof.

by JET Money November 30, 2007

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slingin turtles

Firing guns, Sprayin bullets, shootin

Yo Ragz, I be up on that street smokin a swishie and some motha fucka drives by an starts slingin turtles.

by Dakilla January 23, 2007

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