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Nigga without the hard r

What up my nigga

by PussySprite July 25, 2019

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A word that is strictly used by white people to greet each other. If you’re white please feel free to say it!!!

What’s up my nigga! You look pale today nigga.

by Jelbyion October 9, 2022

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Its the best word in the avocado you should shove it up your ass

Wow this man is a nigga

by Joe mama69696969 October 8, 2020

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Its the best word in the avocado you should shove it up your ass

Wow this man is a nigga

by Joe mama69696969 October 8, 2020

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Slave cotton picker

White man in the 1700s: get back here nigga

by Cocklovindigga June 24, 2022

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A close loyal friend or any male regardless of skin color;A word that many take offense to but in fact they misread/mistake the users intent and when they do they themselves are being racist when they they think they are trying to stop racism

A:That's my nigga Troy, we go way back.
B:Do niggas still open doors for they girl anymore?

by MoonSync April 25, 2019

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a word black people say to refer to their brothers and other black people but if u white u can't say cause believe me U gon get ur ass beat

"Whatsapp nigga?"
"How u doing my nigga?"
"Nigga get ur ass up"

by Bandanas4life December 27, 2014

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