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Apple Valley

Apple Valley is also the first layer of hell in the high desert. To people of the high desert (or cities of the damned) the hierarchy is as follows: Apply Valley, Victorville, Hesperia, Adelanto with adelanto being the final level. But to its virtues Apple Valley is the most organized and least corrupt town of the High Desert. Neighboring towns such as Hesteria (Hesperia), Victimville (Victorville) and ghettolanto (adelanto) idolize the city for its organization, growth, rule of law. Composed mostly of the wealthy high desert dwellers it is the envy of other cities in the area.

Kid 1: "I'm from Hesperia."
Kid 2: "Im from Adelanto."
Kid 3: "Im from Apple Valley retards."
Kid 1 & 2: "thats so cool can I say you are my friend?"

by anonymous32415432642 July 28, 2011

33πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Apple Pussy

The best thing you can call a person.


β€œHey Jared, you’re an apple Pussy β€œ

β€œAw thanks man, you too”

by Mommy_KS July 6, 2021

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Apple Pi

An irrational snack for mathematicians

Isaac Newton: "Hmm... how what connection can I make between gravity and 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937... ? - I know! Apple Pi!

by hyphens_attack October 21, 2011

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Apple-Catchers - Big granny pants you can catch apples with

Hey, go get me your Apple-Catchers.

by zak fire 14 May 1, 2010

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

apple grabber

When a girls breast region is intentionally touched in any way.

'Dude, you pushed me into her and now she thinks I'm an apple grabber.'

by pornstormin November 5, 2009

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apple macintosser

an apple/ipod user who belives that apple products are better than any other product.

often have a superior attitude to other people, thinking they are been different and stylish with no regards to that fact they are just another lable obcessed consumer....

"since dave got his ipod hes become a complete apple macintosser"

"that company is full of apple macintossers...."

by betamax December 29, 2005

39πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

apple turnover

When the male fucks a girl rough until she bleeds then turns her over and repeats anal .

Keith gave Cathie an apple turnover last night and she can't walk

by x-emo_demon_died_in_the_scene July 8, 2009

26πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž