This day is national Grumio day. You have to bring your biggest spoon wherever you go to show your support to Grumio/
Omg its May 5 time to get my spoon.
tanja's day and everyone should worship her on that day n all hot milfs should slide into her dms on that day
what date is today?
-may 5th
Double shot: 1 part 195 proof grain alcohol, 1 part 5 hour energy
Person A: "I'm wiped out, I'm probably gonna need some vodka red bulls tonight"
Person B: "Don't be a pussy, slam few 5-Lokos and you'll be straight"
A internationally-known brothel located in Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Canada. Soldiers from the area went to Europe to fight in World War One and regaled Europeans with tales of “the Red House of Kirkland Lake” or “5 Main Street” which was in fact a popular brothel well-known across the north. Supposedly the tales were so tall or so enthralling that other soldiers and even Europeans have actually come back to the area to visit Kirkland Lake’s now disfunct red whorehouse.
Let me tell you about a little red house called 5 Main.
National host a nerf battle day
Friend: hello
Me:let's host a nerf battle
Friend: really?!?!
Me: yea it's april 5
National kiss a guy close by day! ;)
On april 5th i kissed the guy who lives next door.
the day that music died, Kurt cobain suicide was commited this day, its a tragic day
April 5 Curcobain died
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