Source Code

Charlie Bravo

The military word structure code indicating: C, B

1. Cock Block
2. Crazy Bitch

Dont talk to that chick, her brother is a charlie bravo.

Check out that chick with the half shaved purple hair, she's probably a real charlie bravo.

by nate June 26, 2004

44๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Unconscious Charlie

A sexual act in which one partner will knock out the other, then using their finger and their partner's feces write "Charlie" on the back of their partner.

Did you hear what Kevin did to Jill last weekend?

Ya, the sick fuck Unconscious Charlied her!

by D.K. Brownsworth May 16, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Charlie Poof

Some queer little nancy-boy who loves to sing moany, shite songs about hard done by he is.
Charlie Poof has got a lot going for him, a cool job, lots of wonga, girls tripping up over each other to get with him, still all he can do is whine and cry when the inevitable happens given his position, sluts mess around with him and break his heart even though he purposefully goes after those types. Usually after Charlie Poof has broken up with current girlfriend/plaything he will start composing his next lament to himself, with lyrics usually consisting of
1. How they don't talk anymore
2. How she only wants attention
3. How he always cared for her, still she only wanted his money and fame
4. How she always touched his willy, but now she doesn't anymore and that makes him upset
5. How Charlie Poof can take the moral high ground, because according him he's got loads of money and is adored the whole world over for his music, and she's just some random glorified prostitute who "used him" (oh cry me a river)
6. Charlie Poof will eventually get over her, and she'll be left with egg on her face by being publically slandered about how she ruined his life and how Poof bounced back victoriously after having being clinically depressed for about 2 hours.
7. Charlie Poof is now in line to earn more money in one day than the entire GDP of some small African countries over one song

Charlie Poof: I just broke up with my 62nd girlfriend. Im so sad, even though Im worth about $400 million and counting
Poof's Friend: OMG we love you Charlie, even when you berate us and treat us like dogshit

Charlie Poof's Manager: Last album all 25 songs were about you breaking up with your multiple girlfriends, that's not enough for the record label this time around
Charlie Poof: Hold up, Im just coming out of a deep depression, give me a second

Charlie Poof (referring to his ex girlfriend): I cry for you baby, I lie for you baby
Ex Girlfriend: I only wanted your money, not gonna lie
Poof: Time to write another breakup song.

by Maketchi June 13, 2019

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Charlie Sheened

To be intoxicated to the point of incoherence. To take more drugs for longer periods of time than one should safely get away with.

The party last night was insane, everyone got charlie sheened.

by RZ at JEC March 1, 2011

53๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Charlie Murphy

This one is for the gentlemen.......during sex, before you climax, remove your penis from desired orphus and climax into the palm of your hand, saving the girl from taking your monstrous goo. Then, when she starts to thank you, quickly yell "Charlie Murphy!" and slap her across the face with your jizz loaded hand.

Use your imagination.... scream "Charlie Murphy"

by trizomes February 12, 2012

48๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Buckteeth Charlie

any asian male with an inferiority complex

charlie: those chicks are too good 4 us man.. lets go to the brothel instead
phu: oh come on, dont be a buckteeth charlie

by Viet Cong August 26, 2003

19๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Charlie Murphy

To punch a person in the forehead, after doing so the assultant must scream, "CHARLIE MURPHY BITCH!"

I gave that bitch a Charlie Murphy

by Charles Poole October 13, 2005

225๐Ÿ‘ 102๐Ÿ‘Ž