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OSD - Obsessive Smiley Disorder

Kinda self-explanatory, its using a shit ton of smilies in every single one of your conversations online/texting.

=) =P 8D =0 =( =\ ^.^ ^.- <----this person has OSD - Obsessive Smiley Disorder

by The Real Dr. Robert March 27, 2010

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FaceBook Multiple Personality Disorder

(Abbreviated to FMPD) Someone who portrays themselves on Facebook completely differently to how they actually are/behave in real life.

i.e A quiet introvert in real life, but who frequently comments, makes jokes/banter over Facebook. Polar opposite personalities

"That Tommy has got serious Facebook Multiple Personality Disorder! Quiet as a mouse in real life... yet on FB he's the life and soul of the party..."

by BobajobRob February 7, 2012

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Internet Troll Personality Disorder

Internet Troll Personality Disorder (ITPD) is characterized by a persistent pattern of obstructing of on-topic discussion in online forums and comment threads. People afflicted with ITPD may purposefully present themselves as being inappropriately sexually provocative or racist. Often times they disingenuously express strong emotions with an impressionistic style, pretend to throw arbitrary tantrums, and never hesitate to contribute absurd, non-sequitur remarks at any perceived opportunity.

The etiology of ITPD is still being researched, but scholars agree that afflicted individuals usually enjoy some type of unfulfilling (and unsupervised) employment situation where they have access to computers with internet connections.

Guy #1: So Dean got fired?

Guy #2: Yeah, PLUS he's facing CRIMINAL charges of harassment by wire. You see, someone who Dean was harassing, via the internet, traced his IP address to one of our company's computers. So...

Guy #1: So, good 'ol Dean was bored at work all the time, and this is just another classic case of Internet Troll Personality Disorder, huh?

by Davey Gagunga April 7, 2011

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Post Traumatic Social Disorder

Flashbacks of your embarassing behavior last night.

Oh my gosh, I just got a flashback to last night and remembered dancing on the bar ... it's the onset of Post Traumatic Social Disorder.

by comradem01 August 17, 2009


The anxious, sad, frightening aftermath of when a friend, family member, or co-worker gets upset during the day, and violently launches a potato into a wall or other solid object and it splatters into shards.

"Dang did you see Bobby launch that tater this morning?"

"Yeah he totally gave me Post-Tater-Stress-Disorder"

by Buffalo_Bill69 November 26, 2016

Obsessive Carbon Copy Disorder

The compulsion to CC your boss or colleagues on every damn email you send!

The sufferer usually will usually tell you they do it to keep their boss "in the loop" but mostly it's just to prove they're working.

Commonly known as OCCD.

Why do I have 50 fucking emails from you today? Get your Obsessive Carbon Copy Disorder under control or I'll disable your email account.

by MaxVegas March 15, 2012

Among Us Addiction Disorder

AUAD for short, a disorder caused by playing too much Among Us.

Symptoms include:
- seeing the "Crewmate" shape in everyday objects
- randomly saying the phrases "When the imposter is sus", "Amogus Sus", or "Sussy Baka".
- the uncontrollable urge to play Among Us

An individual diagnosed with AUAD must be kept away from the internet and from any devices that can be used to play Among Us. Any person who has been on the internet during 2020 to 2021 has a high chance of developing AUAD and thus must be surpervised by a trained professional.

"Why is Joe so obssessed with wanting to play Among Us?"
"Yeah that's because he has AUAD."
"What's that?"
"Among Us Addiction Disorder, anyone that has AUAD is obssessed with Among Us"
"Damn, that's rough. It is a bit annoying that Joe keeps urging us to play Among Us though."
"Yeah, nothing we can do, just give him some time and hopefully he'll recover"

by MantisDude August 27, 2021