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Odesa's Earth Day Speech

A saying that refers a bad speech that will go down hill and become an embarrassment.

'My speech is going to be such and Odesa's earth day speech.'

by May 1, 2023

Earth Girl

A girl that is caring for any living creature including all animals of any size, and any plant. These types of girls love the earth and try to care for the earth as much as possible.

These girls can have many names but one of the main names is earth girl. A girl who loves the earth in every way possible.

These girls are usually creative and friendly.

That girl is so protective over the earth, she must be an earth girl.

by Earth Dryad October 11, 2022

Earth shaker

A very large person that’s so fat the shake the floor

Holy shit man I thought there was a earthquake
“Nah man it was just that earth shaker

by Jejekebaj March 11, 2024

Earth piss

From the sky.

Yo that Earth piss is coming down hard af.

by Bibyoung July 22, 2019


adj. A variation of the common phrase earthy-crunchy. This variant implies a more active sense of the phrase than its passive version that uses y's. It is still heavily rooted in all things hippie/organic/natural/environmentalist, staying true to its tree-hugging roots.

Shannon is so earth-crunch when she comments on our posts about envrionemtanl mumbo-jumbo, especially when the topic of conversation was so skillfully set on seductive spheres of sin known as cherries.

by The Vampire of cherries August 26, 2009


pronounced(Erf : Rahk)
To slam someone so hard they run home or in fear or shit their pants(or a sloppily performed combination of the two)

usually done in one sided ufc and street fights

Nick:Gimme your lunch money douche-bag
Cam:No...you bully!
Nick: your gonne gimme the cash dork.
Student body:(looking in fear as nick picks cam up 5 feet off the ground and...KABOOM!)
Nick: i think you shit yorself haha!!...loser!!

by Shorts800bh December 18, 2008

the best person put on this earth

the best person put on this earth is named damon, he is the best.

damn i talked to the best person put on this earth today.

by skateeefasstttteattttttcach December 3, 2018