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goth light; diet goth

That kid, who claims to be emo, isn't relly emo.... he's goth light.

by mblack April 17, 2009

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emo is just a name that we express our selves with. True we wear dark stuff. True some of us are gay. True some of us cut ourselves. (self harming. look it up and understand it more) True some of us hate chavs.

We are aproachable people. And we do have feelings, and most of us emo's are very emotional. (lyke me)

It doesnt mean we are depressing sad asses who complain about everything in lyfe. And it doesnt mean we wryte suicide notes 24/7.

And if none of you can understand that emo's ARE in fact people. Then yoo are a sad prejudiced person.

im emo

i dont hate lyfe all the tyme.

i wear dark strypey stuff.

I am very emotional

I have a counsellor to help sort it owt.

I dont have black hair.

I wear black eyeliner.

I listen to moosic lyke my chemical romance, simple plan and bullet for my valentine.

I also listen tooh nelly furtado and gwen stefani.

by teh troo emo cidd January 27, 2007

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Not goth. It's a style for kids who got rejected from that whole society because they whined too much to be goth. Often, they DO listen to the same music. However, that doesn't make the goth a poser. It makes the emo have a good taste in music. They still today try to fit with goths, but fail because us goths can't handle this: "My life sucks! Why can't I just fit in with everyone else like those goths do? I'm going home to cut myself now, GOD!!!"

emo: "Can I hang out with you to cut ourselves together?"
goth: "What? Why do you want to cut yourself? Honestly, you are SUCH a poser!"
emo: "That's why I want to. No one understands me!"
goth: "Everyone understands. You wear too much makeup, and you're a poser. Now excuse me, I'm getting ready to actually deal with my life."
emo: "I wish I could, but I can't get the black abyss of tortured souls out of my mind. They kill my breath off every-"
goth: "Okay, then, bye!"

by yes,yes-i-am May 30, 2011

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A whole culture of young people who think cutting, stretching out ears, shopping at hot topic, wearing black makeup, being over dramatic, very fake facial expressions, drawing attention to themselves via strange and hideous things, living at the mall, and listening to bad music (usually "scream-o" makes them cool.

Emo people usually stick together, yet are known to have very open fights on social networking sites, usually with other emo people.

Emo people have been known to group together and attack people who insult the emo culture.

Almost all emo people are afraid to become goth, and some emo people deny the horrible truth of being emo.

Those who recover from emo are ashamed of the past. It has been determined that they never show anyone pictures of them with the sickness.

Sadly, with modern medicine, we have found no cure to this horrible sickness of thousands of people.

Sally Sue - "OMG! That group of people must have MERCA and swine flu. They must be blind, otherwise they would take off all that coal on their faces!"

John - "Those people are just emo hunny."

by sexkitten0875 July 3, 2009

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emo is a feeling. a way of life. black offed with brights. lots of makeup. and no smiles.

emo kid: i left my eyeliner at home. *cries*

by little_miss_cut_my_wrist March 14, 2009

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came from the word 'emotive'
DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN emotional or cutting yourself

subgenre of punk.

ppl who are emo usually wear skinny jeans, tight sweaters/hoodies, skater shoes, studded stuff, black straight hair covering like half of the face, etc.

ppl who are stereotype about emo think its all cutting ur self and black shit


emo kids rule.

by fullxmetalxexists March 15, 2009

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Emotional see Sasuke

Go to youtube and look up Sasukes an emo boy

by Brittany Redding October 12, 2007

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