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Cheat Engine Forums

A forum which has a large user community
There are many sections in CEF
It is owned by Dark_Byte, the creator of Cheat Engine.
CEF's users make their own programs to cheat in games such as, Flash Games, Maplestory, World of Warcraft and many more.
There is a General Discussion section and a Random Spam section
It is a very well organised forum and is so good that crappy sites leech off it.

Some Guy:
Hey, Dave What's the best site for cheating?

Well, Get you ass down to Cheat Engine Forums as it's the best site for it!

by AeroFrost/Loganator December 30, 2009

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the little engine that could

A minuscule penis which is capable of providing mountains of pleasure

When I saw the size of his penis, I thought "it can't" but he said, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can" and damn if he didn't! The little engine that could - ain't no mountain high enough!

by Luscious Lips Lynda December 21, 2013

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electrical engineering student

A pathetic human being who studies a ridiculous amount of time just to hardly pass a class. Electrical engineering students are known for their love of MARVEL movies and metal music or punk occasionally, spending hours making edits of their professors, having bad hair, being socially awkward and functioning on little to no sleep. Half of them are sexists. An electrical engineering student can either evolve to a decent and happy human being or continue on and become a professor themselves. As some people say, one dies a hero or lives long enough to become the villain

Person A: Why is this guy hugging his laptop and crying?
Person B: Oh, he must be an electrical engineering student

by au_in_ece June 15, 2020

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Toby the tram engine

Tobias holden,better known as Toby the tram engine, is a Great eastern railway C53, which was later reclassified by the London and north eastern railway as the J70, 12 were built, 68221 being toby himself. To put it simply, he is a old motherfucker with 6 small wheels, a tall funnel(you wouldnt be able to tell since he’s a tram engine and boxy), a short stumpy boiler,and a short stumpy dome, who WILL NOT GIVE ANY SHITS, he wont care if your a crip or a blood, west or east, north or south, american or british, London and mid-scottish railway,Southern railway, Great western railway, or even LNER built, he will not give a shit.the only person he will give a shit about is his practically wife, which is henrietta, an also GER build, being east angla Wisbech and Upwell Tramway 4 wheel non bogie coach, which he took everywhere with him, even when he was save from the time he was bought by the GOAT controller topham hatt the 1st, which was brought on as a smartass move also by the GOAT, being when thomas the tank engine was caught on tramway roads (road which is used in railway terminology as the track itself) when a new cop rolled on his turf, and gave topham mutiple violations about thomas not covering his wheels, i mean, its illegal , but its like sharing your netflix password,whcih is also illegal but nobody gives a shit, something else that toby did is that he brought henrietta along for the royal train, AND NOT EVEN THOMAS BROUGHT ANNIE AND CLARABEL, i think that tom dont care

Hi toby the tram engine
Who are you

by Thomasfan645 November 21, 2022

Dirty Steam Engine

When you kneel over your ol' lady while she lays flat on her back throating your pecker and you drop your "coal" (bowel movement) on her chest proceeding to yell Choo choo.

Last night the Ole lady asked for a dirty steam engine

by Itainteasybeingcheesy September 17, 2021

Engineer Gaming Day

Happens every year on February 10, where everyone will spam/flood every chat with "engineer gaming" with out the mods/admins giving any shit at discord while livestreaming yourself playing tf2 as Engineer or use any music bot to play Robot Rock on loop for the rest of the day.

Discord user: "engineer gaming"

Discord mod: "STOP SPAMMING!"

Discord user: "No u, it's Engineer Gaming Day"

Discor mod: "What?"

Discord user: "engineer gaming"

by HeatHydra69 February 4, 2021

mud valve engineer

the homosexual equivalent to a gynecologist

"oh Wesley i apear to be stuck in your mud valve!"
"Don't worry bruce, shuffle over and get the yellow pages and find the oncall mud valve engineer"

by joshy wash September 19, 2008