A southern dialect for the common word, registration.
(police officer) I see that you were speeding sir, may I please have your license and registration?
(speeder) I certainly do have a license dear officer, but as you can clearly see it was so goddam hot outside, that my regist-ER-ation caught fire while resting in the dashboard.
GET STRAIGHT A's in school and do
all your homework but yet you stay freshh
to death with your Gear and Fly Sneakers soo
Damn kid Your such a Nerd-er-Awesome-ness
because you have to doo all your homework
soo you can goo buy new nike sb dunks and feel
proud of yourself.
your such a damn nerd.
If Your A Guy With A Left Erring Your Actually Gay.
Dude, You Have A Left Erring. You Must Be Gay.
I lost my wallet.
This is my last smoke.
Someone, 13 and above, Having skills similar to that of a Toddler or a Pre-schooler.
Commonly used in a Derogatory way.
Jordan said "That drawing is fucking trash, you Pihg-er-Li piece of shirt"
When you hire a prostitute to stick a frozen stick of butter up their as in order to warm it, making it spreadable and or liquified.
Hey guys, I'm hiring a couple Butt-er Warmers for our lobster dinner tonight. When will you be here?
ER-ing or going ER is carrying out an act of violence for the purpose of starting a Beta Uprising in the style of Elliot Rodger , ER being the initials of Elliot Rodger.
He considered ER-ing