A trendy but otherwise useless homosexual, possibly a transvestite, kept around by a high-powered, attractive woman. His only discernible contribution is as a walking fashion accessory.
Miss Jay, America's next top model, is Tyra Bank's pet fag. His contribution to the show is minimal, and often spends a great deal of time sitting there looking like a caricature of a woman. Allegedly a 'modeling coach', he rarely says anything, and rarer still says anything useful.
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a gay man who only falls for straight guys, and will spend a lot of emotional energy on them and think that they are in a kind of relationship-be it a buddy-buddy, mentor-protege, whatever, that is mutually beneficial. All the while the straight man loves the attention and the affection, and the gay man avoids any real possibility of intimacy.
female equivalent: fag hag
Jack is such stag fag-all he does is hang out with Ryan, buy his little kids toys, and he keeps blowing off any opportunities to date--
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A homosexual who comes into class 5 minutes late carrying a tray of assorted hot and cold coffee drinks for a few of his friends.
Girl #1: Check out that coffee fag!
Girl#2: Hey be nice! If we friend him he will bring us coffee.
Girl #1: I suppose... but I'm still going to call him a coffee fag.
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A guy or girl who is not really gay but decides to give it a try just because it's so trendy and all their friends are doing it.
Johnny: Hey Peter you know my new friend at work Antoine that cool guy I was telling you about?
Peter: The one who has nothing but girl friends and drives a Porche
Johnny: Yeah him. Well the other day I found out he's gay. I figured if he's that cool I might as well give it a try too. So I did.
Peter: Really?
Johnny: Yeah I took the shaft.
Peter: Hmmmmmmm... Maybe I should try it too!!
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Two or more sets of teams of gay men search for opposing teams designated "fag keeper" and run back to their team camps to gangbang "fag keeper". First team to yell out "i fucked the neighborhood whore!" wins the game
Gay pass time children's games capture the fag
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When ones pants are sagging,thus exposing boxers or a bare ass.Always an open invitation for another bro to enter from behind in a manlove fashion.Mostly worn by boys seeking other boys, for attention and affection, and using culture as a poor cover up.
Fag Sagsagging pants gangstabrosagsouthpolethug
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A fan of Justin Bieber. Typically insecure teen who hasn't yet developed taste in music and pubic hair.
A : "Oh no... Justin Bieber again, what a joke."
B : "You guys only hate him because you envy his talent."
A : "Shut it, bieber fag"
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