Someone who feels the need to consistently post "trendy" things on their social media in an attempt to gain status and self-validation when, in reality, no one cares and just views them as desperate.
OMG did you see Jen's insta-story today? She's posted about hanging out with someone she doesn't even know and just signed up for a class on Navajo jewelry making. She's such a clout chaser I want to throw her cell phone into a vat of acid.
A person who texts famous truck people on Snapchat and gets excited when he gets a one word message back
Person 1: with a RoundBody : Oh my god lildetrick texted me!
Person 2: who cares
Person 3: stop being clout chaser
Person 1: I’m so famous now I’m friends with him
A person who defends and hangs out/follows the popular people. They tend to be friends with them. Steele Walker
Dang, look at Steele, he’s Such a clout chaser ever since he lost followers.
A Clout Chasers is someone who trys way to hard to be cool. Especially when they are under 1,000 instagram followers and trys to talk to you. EW!
Girl: OMG! Can you even beleive like fucking Sandra tried to talk to me! Like c'mon, SANDRA! She barely has a 700 to 900 ratio!!!!
Jess: OMG ikr shes such a Clout Chaser ! It's disgusting!1!1
The Game mentions Eminem and 50cent just to be a clout chaser
A type of women/girls that shows their ass/tits (in clothes) for likes and comment
Look at Jessica on Facebook! Jeez, I think she’s doing it for the clout! Which is a clout chaser…