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Fucker Egg

An asshole person who acts in such a rude and childish manner that he is little more than an tactless under developed foetus, hence "egg" ...

Person 1: "Dude, he just called your mom a fat dirty hairy poo poo face! How infantile ..."

Person 2: " I know, what a Fucker Egg ..."

by 2BC April 26, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tit fucker

1) a person who performs sex by placing ones penis
between the female breasts in an effort
to be manually climaxxed by friction.
2) absofuckinglutely pointless and very non-sexy
3) a fucking moron

1) bill likes to fuck pams tits.
2) she asked me if i wanted to tit fuck her, so i said no, i wanna stuff it up your ass.
3) Dan is a tit fucker

by Raistlin_ January 2, 2007

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bug fucker

a male with a very small penis

Ryan is a bug fucker

by Justin Hell May 19, 2004

22๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

fucker's remorse

when after having sex with a person one starts to feel shame, disgust, or regret regarding the sex act and wishes they hadn't commited it

Upon waking up next to a donkey, still hung over, Jim starts to remember last night's events and has a serious case of fucker's remorse.

by daring debby May 20, 2011

9443๐Ÿ‘ 7844๐Ÿ‘Ž

feedback fucker

When someone who is playing a game online has their mic sensitivity too high and it causes noisy feedback that goes through everyone's headset.

Please turn down the sensitivity setting on your mic you asshole! You are being a feedback fucker!

by bilcifer March 2, 2009

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Master Fucker

A partner that bring you to orgasim so many times you give up counting

I wonder if that guy if a master fucker, like to try it out!

by alibaby50 June 22, 2019

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Fetus fucker

Someone who has sexual intercourse with a newborn infant.

Jason:Hey bro my wife just had a baby!
Eric:yeah Iโ€™m a fetus fucker I just took its virginity after 18 seconds I fucked it in the ass when it came out her vagina.

by Crackheadniggerpenis August 17, 2022

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