When your done, but your not done. Your done-ish.
I'm done-ish with you and this relationship!!!
When you feel like a jew, but aren't.
"I never claimed to be Jewish... my grandparents are Jewish, so I'm Jew-ish." - George Santos
This term describes the way some people are not being exact in their language. It can be used very broadly
Person one: I hate the ish-culture!
Person two: What does that even mean?
The revolution of 2007. Influenced by bands such as The Beatles, The Beach Boys, and Radiohead, this brilliant quartet hailing from Berklee College of Music is bringing a change to the pure shit that is called "music" these days.
Basically, that iSH is that shit.
Person 1: Hey bro, what the fuck's goin on tonight ?
Person 2: Man, I'm gonna check out the That iSH and the Abby show tonight.
Person 1: Okay cool, but dude .. you wanna toke up first?
Person 4: Only if we're chilling out to the sounds of That iSH and the Abby
The worst kind of baby killing zionist that uses judaism as a shield, yet would rather use the Torah and Talmud to prop their short ass up a little higher so they have a clear shot of the 12 year old Palistinian can live in a wheelchair.
30,000. dead ? Nah Bro, that's not Jewish, that's Ew-ish.
It’s not really rural, but it definitely isn’t suburban or urban.
-you go to other towns a lot
-the gas station is 15-20min away
-you technically have neighbors, but you’ve never seen them leave their house so you’re not sure they even exist
“Where do you live”
“In a Rural-ish area.”
an action or oral rendition that should not be seen or heard by others-something that should only take place in your own backyard.....or maybe NOT,
a dumbass move,redneck,a stupid move,should be an embarassing moment
Mom: I cant believe you did that,thats so backyard-ish!
Mom: Oh,thats backyard-ish!
You dumbass, that soooo backyard-ish