a phrase used around your parents when you're trying to say "let me fuck your brains out"
p 1 : alright so whaddya wanna do babe
p 2 : let's beat it Jerry
parent : have fun guys!
p 2 : in other words let me fuck you till u cant walk lol CD
The shark gods, translucent sharks 10x the size of a normal shark and rulers of the Atlantic
In this cult, we worship the Shark Gods, Nathaniel and Jerry.
A weekend worrier type sportsman, whom puts zero-to-no effort into an outdoor activity, yet expects top results to fall in his/her lap. A Jerry hunter will often try using YouTube, podcasts, or anything written on the internet to learn the great outdoors, rather than spending spending time outdoors
Let’s go hunt that other spot, Looks Like there’s a bunch of Jerry hunters in this section.
To have the best performance in a game despite being on the losing team. As per Jerry West, the only NBA player to win Finals MVP but lose the championship.
John: Those guys were fucking ass, except for Griffin. Griffin definitely Jerried that game.
Where you get fucked in a hotel room on the way to a gaming competition by a dude named Jerry, all while a trusted teacher watches in absolute horror
"Dude, I heard some guy got Jerried on the new last night"
Orginally came from Jerry's telethon for "special" people. Which always included a retared person coming into view of the camera to get a few more dollars
mother to children misbehaving in backseat, "will you kids shut the #%$@ up, you sound like a bunch of Dysfunctional jerry kids"
Ugh there is all always that friend named "Jerry" but at school they call him "Big dick Jerry". Big dick Jerry will not shut up like, get a life with your big ass penis like no one cares. Plus he always steals all of mine-coins things like stop Big dick Jerry.
1; Stop Jerry
2; Oh that dick..?
1; yeah
3 (Jerry); Hey guys have you ever-
2; oh my god sto-
3; climbed a mountain on that minecraft world..?
1; *Checks Minecraft account* wait those were my coins-
2; Big dick Jerry all ready left.