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it wasn't me

Probably the best excuse for little kids/anyone to get away with something. Even if it was the victim, they still use that phrase "It wasn't me" no matter how much proof you have against them.

Man : Why did you take a dump next to my toilet?
Kid : It wasn't me!
Man : But I saw you doing it.
Kid : It wasn't me!
Man : Fine I'll just go beat up the dog then...

by darkmyst August 29, 2005

95πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

indiaarie me

To be completely screwed over and not given the full respect you deserve.

As Common raps "They tried to 'IndiaArie Me' / went backstage and bumped into Stevie / he said no matter what the people still gonna see me."

Further explanation ...

When India Arie first debuted, she was nominated for 8 Grammy Awards for her album "Acoustic Soul", but walked away empty-handed. That year's Grammys were dominated by Alicia Keys.

by stokes123 July 28, 2007

49πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

It Wasn't Me

A hilarious 2000 reggae fusion song by Shaggy featuring RikRok.

Picture this, we were both butt-naked, bangin' on the bathroom floor... But she caught me on the counter (it wasn't me)/Saw me bangin' on the sofa (it wasn't me)/I even had her in the shower...(it wasn't me)/She even caught me on camera! (it wasn't me)

(It Wasn't Me)

WTF??? Shaggy is such a pervert!!!

by Cummy worm December 9, 2010

63πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Supersize Me

An interesting documentary where a man named Morgan Spurlock eats McDonalds meals three times a day for one month. As he does this, we see how this affects him and how he's telling all those McDonalds fans who love their favourite fast-food restaurant too much about what could happen to them.

Man: After watching Supersize Me, I think I'm going to stop eating all that McDonalds.

by DudeWho'sJustABitNuts October 23, 2006

110πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

spot me

1. Used by weightlifters to ask someone to observe themself while lifting weights. The primary purpose of which is a safety measure in case the weightlifter is so tired that the weight will fall on him causing bodily injury.
2. To ask someone to lend you money.

1. Hey Bruce, after you oil up my muscles can you spot me while I lift?
2. Hey Bruce, I'm a little short on money. Can you sot me some cash for the hot tubs?

by famousramos June 12, 2004

238πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

Sock it to me

Expression from the late 1960s until the early 1970s. Literally means "give it to me," but generally had a underlying sexual connotation. Could also mean just give me your best.

Goldie Hawn would say "Sock it to me, " on the TV show Rowan and Martin's Laugh-in, while wearing a flowered bikini. The Isely Brothers sang, "I can't tell you who to sock it to." A person could say, "I have an idea," and the response would be.."OK. Sock it to me."

by ambrozia June 30, 2009

363πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž

Sandwich Me

When someone puts ur face around someone’s thighs

Boy: Damn I want Nicki to sandwich me.
Friend: Same😌

by Slimycooterleftovers August 14, 2020