Mormons worship sea lions as gods, so trying to make themselves closer to god's image, a male Mormon will marry about 30 people at the same time.
The Mormon harem didn't have any guys or midgets in it, you would think that to a guy that tried to fuck as many people as Wilt Chamberlain, marrying just females would get old after about the 27th or 28th wife, but not for him.
A group of females a Mormon is married to.
Everywhere that guy goes, you see him with his Mormon harem.
When you believe god is watching, insert your penis into the vagina and sit perfectly still, no kissing or anything.
“Hey man I gave her the Mormon slide last night”
“Isn’t that a sin?”
“Only if you move.”
"Hey Valen, lets get some Mormon Chicken Burgers!" exclaimed Daniel
1. Giving someone a handshake right after having sex without washing your hands.
2. When you’re right in the middle of having some nasty ass sex with your beautiful girlfriend when you suddenly hear a knock on the door. She is moaning loud, You’re both dripping in sweat, hair is a wreck, the room is hot and smelling like sex. She’s still lying on the couch naked, sexy and covered in sweat. She grabs a blanket to cover herself. You jump up and quickly put your shorts on and run to the door. You’re greeted by 2 nice young boys dressed in white shirts and ties who ask if you would like to hear more about our lord and savior Jesus Christ. You nicely decline and reach out your hand for a friendly handshake, completely forgetting that only moments ago your fingers were just deep inside your girlfriends wet pussy.
Dude, my hand smells like sex I think that guy just gave me a Mormon handshake.
Having sex in the temple.
Did you know that Elder Max gave his wife the Mormon goodbye last Sunday?