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Knife Rape

Knife raping is when you get a knife and stab ya boi so much it's like your raping 'em.

Arnold Clock knife raped his wife.

by Bepsei March 25, 2018

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Rape Card

When a woman has consensual sex with a man and regrets it the next morning. So instead of owning up to her mistake and claiming responsibility she claims to have been raped. This negates any responsibility on her part and any attempt at insinuating the innocence of the man is considered misogyny/victim-blaming.

Jill had sex with Jack, despite being in a relationship with Steve, last night. She knew Steve would dump her and her friends would give her grief for it when they found out so she played the Rape Card and told everyone that Jack raped her. Everyone hugged her and told her how much they loved her and were there for her. Meanwhile Jack had to drop out after being ostracized on campus and is now facing criminal charges because everyone thinks he's a rapist.

But whatever at least no one thinks Jill is a slut!

by Wiggles_OHallahan June 30, 2013

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statutory rape

n. the legal concept that someone 18 or older having sex with someone younger than 18 is committing a felony. Members of NAMBLA advocate committing this with young boys, apparently. Even less than 100 years ago, it was common for men to marry teen girls as young as 13. I guess all those men committed statutory rape.

John is 18 and Jane is 17, and John was arrested and put in jail and now is a convicted felon even though Jane married him on her 18th birthday. What a crazy country we live in.

by fizzle April 5, 2004

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kiss rape

When someone kisses you but you do not want to. So when people say that they saw you kissing someone, you say that you were kissed raped by someone that forced a kiss.

Kiss raper: Give us a kiss love! (does'nt wait for an answer but sticks his toungue down your throat).

People: We saw to kissing that guy over there. What was he like?

Me: It was awful he kiss raped me.

by Rozzle July 12, 2006

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Rape Burn

When you get Friction burn (commonly known as carpet burn) from being raped savagely or gang raped. This is rare in consensual sex, and if you got it from that then you should invest in a new partner.
Rape burn is actually used in some court cases as evidence.
However it does commonly get mixed up with rope burn, for the places that your rapist tied you up.

Rape burn isn't the same as chafing. But should be treated as pretty much the same. with some Aloe-Vera oil or minor burn creams

Donny - And here are the photos of my rape burn that those bastards over there gave me *points to defendants*.

Prosecutor - Let the records show that the victim is identifying pictures of her inner thighs taken on the night she was violated.

by EMT- February 26, 2008

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Generally used to describe any form of using braids or similar appendages to bind an entity's will to your own. Once bonded, that entity's thoughts will mirror your own, and you will have complete control of the other entity.

This phrase was first coined in relation to James Cameron's movie "Avatar", when the Na'vi insert their "braids" into Banshees (Ikran) to allow control of the creatures in battle.

Na'vi 1: "Dude, it looked like you had some trouble subduing that Banshee."
Na'vi 2: "Yeah, but I braid-raped it in the end."

by Jake Syris December 25, 2009

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Time-Rape is the science fiction concept of time travel in which iron clad laws of physics dictate that any stop within the space-time continuum must be accompanied by a rape of a denizen of that time/locale by the time traveler.

This can be facilitated by the time traveler targeting times and places where women were considered little more than chattel and the penalties for what is now considered a violation were practically non-existent.

As it is a necessity of the structure of time travel, Time-Rape itself is generally not the specific goal of the traveler, though rogue individuals and groups do exist who hold it as their primary aim.

The consequences of not performing the Time-Rape are not fully understood, however, research has concluded that it is the psychological/spiritual equivalent of a kind of reverse Time-Rape where everyone alive in the visited time period not targeted by the errant traveler converges upon him to perform an eternity of rapes while the intended, and necessary, victim of the traveler presides in judgment.

Another hypothesized result suggests the bringing-forth of the Negrolocaust.

Holy shit, dude. Are you telling me you didn't perform the Time-Rape? You are so literally fucked - and if it causes the Negrolocaust, I'll never forgive you.

by ajaxax October 27, 2012

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