when something is cringeworthy and laughable as fuck
damn those two guys got caught leaving mad goofy comments on that e-girl's tiktok saying for her to give em pink eye
the obessesion caused by the girl name jia or javeria.
guy 1:dude, im really like this javeria girl. i dont know what is happening.
guy 2:dude, i think you're having Jia madness...
The Affect Adam Howell has on certain women. A spell if you may.
Girl 1: I met this guy Adam two weeks ago and have been following him home, to college and wherever he goes.
Girl2: Damn she must have The Howell Madness!!!!!!!!!!
Madness combat. Madness combat is a series that contains MASS BRUTAL VIOLENCE made by Matt Jolly, Also known as krinkels and it all happened because of the boombox man. Fuck-
Me: hey look!
My friend: Isn’t it that Dilf from Madness combat?
Me: What? 🙃
1. The first level in Geometry Dash
2. 100 earrape stereo sounds
A wise man: It's called Stereo Madness even though there's not a lot of madness in there is it?
Par is short for party. When something is good you would use mad par!
Are you going to that mad par tomorrow night?
Lets par tonight!