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creeper's block

When you think about/see someone and you want to creep their profile (facebook ect) and by the time you get on you either forget who it was you were going to "creep" or forget their name making it impossible to find them.

Aw man what was that hot girls name again? I've got total creeper's block!

by TheWorstKindOfCreep April 24, 2011

date block

The state of acting like total idiot in front of a date, cute guy/girl or friend in which you like

Cutee guy:hey what's up
Girl:uh hi um not much
Cute guy: your face is red
Girl: oh um (looking down) its really hot in here
Cute guy : your getting date block aren't you

by bimbocrackhead April 4, 2009

booper block

a person who only has dick on there mind 24/7 and nothing else

hey man I think dat girl is booper blockin

by rudd boiii November 13, 2007

Zoot block

This is an area in Lusaka,Zambia that was once a farm and is home of Wellington lembalemba and luzangu his close friend. It was later named after Wellington's friend Luzangu aka Zoot by some high ranking members.

I'm from Zoot block

by Natasha115 February 14, 2022

case block

One who prevents the person or persons they are hanging out with from getting free alcoholic beverages, sometimes in the form of a case of beer, from an interested suitor. The suitor refrains from delivering the beverages because they believe they would be cock blocking the case blocker.

Mary: "I was going to get shit-faced for free off of that guy's 30 pack of Bud Light, but Randy definitely case blocked me from scoring any by sitting next to me."

by SoBroItHurts February 12, 2011


To dissuade others from commenting on someone's status by posting a distracting reply.

Stacy's Facebook status: "Wow, so messy! It's like Charlie Sheen's been living here."
Emma's reply: "Charlie Sheen is an underrated actor."
Stacy's reply: "You totally just comment-blocked me"

by The Ultra Lame 14-year-olds January 5, 2011

David Block

A Vietnamese / Cambodian slang for a long block of road. Usually takes around 30 minute walk or 5 minute drive.

Yooo, the place isn’t that far, it is about a David Block.

by Fan dancer August 29, 2023