A really fucking cool millipede who is sick as fucking shit.
Person: Hey, do you have any pets?
Me: Yeah, I got a millipede named Craig Jr. He is sick of fuck, no lie.
Person: Craig Jr. is just so sick man.
Me: Yeah, he is the sickest motherfucker on the planet.
Jim Craig appreciation day is on February 22nd. Jim Craig is and should be appreciated everyday, but as a society in order to truly appreciate this wonderful man we must have a national day of rest to celebrate him and his other teammates.
Hey are you going to the parade on Jim Craig Appreciation Day?
Craig DontNeedIt is a #FuckingSavage
He is a funny and overall chill guy.He has only one type of girl short,light skinned and a big booty.Their is nothing else to be said Craig is a ladies man
Look at Craig van all he does is talk to lightskins
Craig is a gym-going muscle man that lives to surf. He also has a small dick
Craig Wilson's don't surf as a hobby, it's a way of life for them.
A good ol southern man that works hard but plays harder. His family is the most important thing in his life. A man who uses his head instead of his emotions to make decisions.
Ol billy Craig sure does love his kids