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Marcus is a great guy! he is smart and kindfull to all his friends. he does great on school and smiles all the time:) he loves math and other things on school. he is also a helpfull friend you want. if you see him, be his friend! mark my words. he is kind and all stuff... BUT he is very for communsimn. he would do anything to make thw world communismn. he only sees future through the communsimn. that is why you really really should be his friend!

person 1 - oh look! it's Marcus!
person 2 - that got damn communsit
person 1 - can't belive he actually thinks communsimn world save earth and human rase.
person 2 - me neither. I can't even belive he made half the world communistic.

by Borned January 29, 2019


Marcus is a great guy! he is smart and kindfull to all his friends. he does great on school and smiles all the time:) he loves math and other things on school. he is also a helpfull friend you want. if you see him, be his friend! mark my words. he is kind and all stuff... BUT he is very for communsimn. he would do anything to make thw world communismn. he only sees future through the communsimn. that is why you really really should be his friend!

person 1 - oh look! it's Marcus!
person 2 - that got damn communsit
person 1 - can't belive he actually thinks communsimn world save earth and human rase.
person 2 - me neither. I can't even belive he made half the world communistic.

by Borned January 29, 2019


a man who ain't yours but supports you 24/7
-also a man who's emotionally unavailable but keeps you feeling loved despite his current love life
- a man of his word of thought

Marcus stared into her eyes, assuring her all will be well.

by welovetoseeit July 2, 2021


Marcus is awesome hot cool funny(not smart). Espicasilly Marcus Stefanulli. In 5th grade Dater school. Loves frogs.

Marcus is cool

by AJISCOOL October 12, 2022


A "man" who doesn't exist.
It is a figment of our imagination

Marcus? What the he'll are you talking about? Are you feeling alright? Did you hit your head?

by hamtur August 27, 2023


hes a butt head and farts alot

person 1: you smell that?
person 2: oh yeah pooh wee
person 1: i think its marcus

by cocomelon0 September 4, 2023


He’s a really nice person and a good friend you can ask for. He doesn’t really like to go out to partys. He’s really smart, a IB student he also plays soccer and he’s good at it but he ain’t the type to talk to you first at all. When he’s mad at you he won’t tell you, he will act like a piece of shit until you figure out what you did. Or ask him why he’s acting like that. Even if he’s a hoe you will still have feelings for him.

Friend: What do you see in Marcus
Me: tbh idk, but he’s really nice. Ooh and do you want to go watch his games with me later?
Friend: His soccer game? Sure why not.
Me: Yaaaaaaaaaa

by Whoop whoop:( November 20, 2019