Source Code

shes' packing

well built human, possessor of "the gear"; ("shes' got the goods!!") -the best a human body could ever look!! (note: this definition is NOT specific to the female!, and could easily be applied to the male!!) ie; 'hes' packing'..... -"built like a brick shithouse"

my friend looked at me with a sort of faraway look and half-drool, and stated; 'shes' packing'!!

saw a dude at the gym and thought to myself, 'hes' packing!!'

by michael foolsley December 21, 2009

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Black Pack

a small cheap back pack, usually worn by african americans, and are of the power ranger, dora the explorer, transformers, or super hero genre

Ay du check my new Powa Ranga Black Pack!

by afroman jose de vez en cuando November 19, 2009

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Ass packed

SomeOne Who Has Been Fucked By a guy in the ass.

Jay Leno was ass packed by Conan O' Brian

by Ecstasy Designz June 5, 2004

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gay pack

a non-fictional rainbow fanny pack that includes gel, a comb, wax strips, and picture of a boy band... (all the essentials)

gay pack can be used to describe someone that is acting "gay"

Person A: "He did not return any of my phone calls!"
Person B: "Woah. what a gay pack"

by Kristina M. April 16, 2008

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Rumble Packing

When a couple is having sexual intercourse while playing a game on a nintendo 64 with the support of the nintendo 64 rumble pak, during gameplay, you shove the nintendo 64 controller, (with the rumble pack attached) into the female's vagina, (while it rumbles) and then you listen to that kitty purr.

Hey justin, you wanna play some starfox 64 and do some rumble packing tonight?

by revenkai October 17, 2006

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Expansion Pack

Slang for gay.

Jake: Harris is an expansion pack

by JakeB_YT December 14, 2018

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Snack Pack

A short, fine-looking honey...Usually between 4'10" to 5'3" tall. Has it all...Pretty face, nice rack, and a phat ass....all in a nice, compact package. What more could you want???

I was at the mall the other day, and this fine lookin snack pack came rollin' up with this fine-ass little package. If I'm not careful I might break that shit in half.

by Sajak315 February 28, 2006

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