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White People

People of European descent that claim to have civilised the world and brought about modern technology. Their IQ is second only to Asians. Their crime rate would be the lowest but Asians have the lowest crime rate. Everywhere else in the world is believed to be very poor and undesirable. People from all over the world are perceived to be fighting tooth and nail to get into the united states so they can get a job working for the stereotypically rich white man. White women are believed to be the most beautiful. White people believe all foreigners hate them.

I hate white people but I want to live in their neighborhood. I hate white people but I've never met a white person in my entire life. Thanks for the planes cars and air conditioning white people.

by fastlane46 February 1, 2018

198๐Ÿ‘ 157๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stick people

Little drawings of people that are made up of little lines, if the artist wasn't bothered drawing properly.


Stick people

by LinaHiga November 19, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

mountain people

another term for mien people, most of them live in the mountain's. Wakes up at 5 am to enjoy fishing, practically sits and chills at a fishing spot all day for about 10-12 hours or until they catch something. They also put a lot of stuff in their food at pho restaurants. Fish sauce, hot sauce, sugar, salt, and whatever else that is on the table. Very cool and funny people to hang out with, always play counter-strike 1.6 and cabal or go on ventrilo.

Fong likes to hang out with the mountain people on ventrilo everyday, gg #team.eXceed

by team|exceed April 7, 2008

26๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

small people

1. unwashed masses

2. impoverished (net worth of less than $100 million USD)

3. used to work for a living before earth was punctured like a petroleum soaked ripe persimmon

4. not to be confused with "short people"

We care about the small people.

by Joe Slick June 17, 2010

25๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

CAVE people

C.A.V.E. is an acronym for Citizens Against Virtually Everything. CAVE people, often self-proclaimed "activists", oppose most any proposal for change within a community. Topics subject to their protest include new development, infrastructure changes, or public policy changes.

CAVE people will oppose a proposal entirely, instead of suggesting a change that could minimize impact. They are rarely open to compromise.

The local government hoped to construct a wind farm just outside town, but opposition killed the project. When they considered a ban on texting while driving, several of the same CAVE people protested that too.

See also: NIMBY, Luddite

by voidxor0 May 4, 2011

18๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

rich people

people who dont care about anyone else in this world and think its hilarious to watch someone die.

oh no, your poor, should i take the time to reach into my coach back for a a quarter... haha no wayyy, im to much of a rich person to hang out with non rich people..

by katriina odonnell February 2, 2008

239๐Ÿ‘ 189๐Ÿ‘Ž

Free People

An urban, trendy, bohemian, fashion forward, creative store. owned by the URBN company.

Best store ever.
Has the best blogger Julia! :)
nuff said!

dude did u go to Free People to look at that new dress?

by bchic8 June 28, 2011

13๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž