Real folks means when they aren't fake they are the real deal ...There isn't anything fake or unreal about them.
These are real folks right here.
He is someone that is trying to become a professional soccer/football player. He likes to do YouTube in his free-time.
Person 1: "Have you heard of Real Regulator?"
Person 2: "No, who is he?"
Person 1 : "He is a YouTuber that wants to go pro!"
Person 2 : "Really? That's sick! I got to check him out!"
Actually working. To be contrasted with social networking.
Nick: Why did you de-activate your Facebook account?
Amanda: It took up so much time, and I needed to get some real-working done.
Whenever the word "ridilous" is just not enough to describe what is going on.
aka - really ridiculous
Ever since Donnie got wind of Urban Dictionary, he's on it everyday trying to come up with new words and new definitions. Donnie... this is too much! No, this is... REAL DICULOUS!
A term used by someone who is everything but real. Used to swindle you or impair your judgment.
I was going to give homie a front but then he started with all that real talk bullshit.
When someone gets but hurt online, and shows up at your door step to fight
He got trolled to the point where he real lifing him
a string of words used to share present affection and a hope for the future.
I can't wait to get real witchu 😘